Siblings are sometimes your best friends. No matter what, they are there for you (because they have no choice, but still). As the eldest child in the family, we tend to have their best interest in mind.
1. You're the first person to meet their date/boyfriend/girlfriend:
It’s Friday night. Your sibling brings home their lovely significant other. However, you demand to meet them before anything continues—because your approval is going to mean the most.
2. If they have drama, it's your drama too:
Okay, not literally. But you keep an eye on the situation and what’s going on. The second something bad is said or done to your sibling is the moment you pounce.
3. You help them get away with anything:
Let’s be honest, you probably did the same thing a couple years ago. Now the time has come for your younger brother or sister to follow in your footsteps. You can’t let them get caught.
4. You show them how to do everything:
Seeing them fail is something that bothers you to the core. So, you never let it happen. Since you’re older and have the experience under your belt, you make sure they know what to do.
5. The bill is usually covered by your wallet:
There’s a movie you both have been dying to see for months. But, you’re younger brother or sister forgot their wallet—naturally—but it’s okay though because you volunteer to pay.
6. You ask a million questions before they go out:
Where is he going? Who all will be there? What time is he going to be back? You know all the answers.
7. You give ALL of your advice:
There’s nothing that makes you happier than seeing your younger brother or sister happy. So, whenever they need direction, you’re the first person they turn to. You’ll sit and pour out all the—sometimes brutally honest-- advice you have.
Being an older sister or brother is a job of it’s own. No matter how overbearing you can be, it’s part of the job and is expected. At end of the day though, you need your younger sibling just as much as they need you.