Being an introvert in college can be difficult. If you’re like me, you like your space. Now let me state that this IS NOT a bad thing and neither is being an extrovert! Us introverts usually understand that fact that we are not that extroverted friend who is hanging out with friends with 24/7 (how do they even get homework done?), one of those students who is president of 3 clubs and participates in another 6 (Do you even go to class?), or who is the life of the party every single weekend (How do you tolerate that many people at once?).
Here are a few signs that you’ll probably relate to if you are an introvert at heart!
#1 You’ll take a night in over a crazy night out.
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When you’re in college there’s essentially a party every weekend somewhere on campus. While all your extroverted friends are curling their hair, perfecting their winged eyeliner, and donning their newest outfit, you’re on the couch in sweatpants, your favorite (slightly stained t-shirt), watching your favorite series on Netflix.
#2 You may lie (just a little) to get out of social situations.
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Sometimes we introverts dread social situations so much we may make up some story about why we can’t go. In high school when we wanted to get out of something the easiest way out was saying “Sorry, my mom said I can’t go” and we’d send some type of crying emoji after that to make it more believable. Now that we’re in college, “mom said no” has turned into, “I have a big exam this week” or “I have study tables all night!” (We still throw in some sad emojis to make it more believable).#3 On the rare occasion you decide to go out, you’re already ready to go back.
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Sometimes introverts will hype themselves up and convince themselves that staying in this weekend isn’t an option. However once you’re out with of your room and out for the weekend you’re already ready to take off all your makeup and throw that previously mentioned comfy stained t-shirt back on.#4 You prefer pets over people.
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I don’t know about you, but if I someone’s pet when I’m out for the weekend or even just walking around on campus, that animal has my full attention. I will literally befriend people just to get close to their pet.#5 You wear headphones so people (hopefully) don’t talk to you.
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It’s true, don’t deny it. Headphones are the biggest people deterrent and we use it pretty regularly.#6 Big groups make you anxious.
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Hanging out with one or two friends can be great. Kicking back watching funny videos on facebook, eating popcorn, and watching some obscure netflix original sounds way better and less scary than being surrounded by 30 strange people at some unknown location with no animals to cling to.
#7 People think you're a fantastic listener
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Since you don’t always have so much to stay you’re pegged as a golden listener. You love it because it cuts you off the hook from having to talk and they love it because they have someone to talk to.