7 Signs You and Your Best Friends Might Be A Little Too Close
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7 Signs You and Your Best Friends Might Be A Little Too Close

Best friendship must be built on a solid foundation of inappropriateness, sarcasm, and shenanigans.

7 Signs You and Your Best Friends Might Be A Little Too Close

We all have those people in our lives who have seen us at our very best, and at our very worst. Like, I'm talkin' real bad. Like, "sweatpants, hair tied, chilin' with no makeup on" bad (shout-out to you, Drake, for loving us anyway). Well, I like to call those people, *my* peoples. Just kidding, I call them my best friends. Luckily for me (unlike the great Meredith Grey whose only "person" is Christina Yang), I have quite a few people in my life that have the honor of being my best friends bestowed upon them. But, sometimes I wonder, are we a little too close? How exactly is one to know when you may have become too close with your best friends?

1. You are in constant communication. All. The. Time.

This one is pretty standard. I literally have a million group chats, consisting of various combinations of friend groups. I text my roommates from the other side of the apartment, even though their rooms are only ten steps away. I probably call at least three of them, at least once a day, if not more. We constantly keep each other updated on what's going on in our lives. Am I peeing? Yup, I'll send ya a snap. Do I need food? You bet. I'll call you a million times and drag you to Chipotle against your will and force a burrito bowl down your throat. Do you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at noon? Mhm, and you know I'll text ya at exactly 11:45 a.m. to make sure you're on your way. See something funny on the Internet? You better Insta, Tweet, and Facebook it to me, or you're fake AF. Long story short, if you can't physically be with your friends every second of every day, you might as well at least annoy each other to death with 24/7 communication.

2. There are zero rules when it comes to snuggling.

If you're anything like me and you hate to be touched or cuddled, then having best friends that love to snuggle you anywhere, everywhere, and at any time of day can get a little tricky. Whether it's jumping into bed with you in the middle of the night or weaseling their way onto the couch with you like a cat, there is no other way to handle that situation other than just giving in. Sometimes you just got to let it happen. Just accept the snugs. Love the snugs. Be the snugs. Soon, you may even find yourself being the friend that initiates all the snuggles.

3. You run pretty much almost every decision by each other first. Or not. And then you'll never hear the end of it.

Whether it's buying a new shirt, deciding what to eat for dinner, or which flavor of boxed wine to get for the week -- everything is approved by the squad. And for the girls, if you even think of speaking to a boy without running it by them, then you're screwed. And they damn sure will never let you forget it. All decisions, big or small, are made with the help of your best friends, either because they've been through it, you trust their judgement, or just 'cause. You ask each other a million questions, and every single question gets the most honest, detailed answer (that you probably didn't ask for).

4. There is absolutely zero judgement, especially when it comes to appearance. Or they'll make fun of you forever.

You know you're too close with your friends when you walk out of your room after a long night, and they bluntly, or without hesitation tell you (and I quote), "you look like hell." If you think your outfit is bangin' (and it's really not) they will for sure, 110% tell you that you're wrong. So if they tell you that tiny, itty-bitty sequined crop-top is better suited for slutty Barbie on Halloween, then you better listen to them. But, on the other hand, they definitely will be right there next to you when it's 3 a.m. and you are in need of a crucial run to Wal-Mart and are wearing your matching wiener dog pajamas and bunny slippers. It goes both ways, but either way you will thank them later.

5. You fight. ALL the time. And mostly physically.

In an argument with one of your best friends? Let's settle it. WWE style. Whether you're dragging her around the apartment by her hair, or throwing large objects at him across the room, it might be the only way to get your point across to each other. As long as you guys don't beat each other to death (because in that case, you are entirely WAY too close), then there's nothing wrong with a little horseplay. It might be slightly awkward when the maintenance man walks in on you and one of your best friends hair-pulling and body-slamming each other into the couch, but hey, that's why he ain't one of 'em.

6. You are there for each other no matter what state of mind you're in.

You might be snot-sobbing in the middle of the night over that dumb boy who broke your heart, but guess who's right there in bed next to you? That's right. At least one of your best friends. And they'll probably be wiping off your boogers or spoon feeding you Ben & Jerry's. Not feeling so good the morning after a long night out? Welp, one of your friends will be right there on the bathroom floor with you holding your hair back. Did you have like *the* best day like *ever*? Because if you did, you bet one of your peoples will be there to celebrate that "B" on the quiz you actually thought you failed with some fast food and your drink of choice. Even if it is a Wednesday night.

7. You and your best friends know, that in reality, there is no such thing as ever being *too* close.

You and your BFF's are obviously extremely close for a reason and no one wants that to ever change! If you were any less close than you already are then you guys would practically feel like strangers! There is nothing wrong with having a bond like that with your peoples! So, embrace the weirdness and keep stayin' this close!

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