Whether or not you enjoyed attending Timber Creek, there are a few things that we will always remember as you look back on your high school years. Some stories will be locked away, only to be thought of with a shudder then quickly put back in it's vault. Other memories will be held with fondness, defining moment of our high school careers and possibly our lives.
We're the purple and black.
It was hard to go a day without seeing someone clad in our school colors, especially Fridays. It seemed like every person on campus had a TC shirt, some of us probably still do. This fact became extremely clear during spirit week.
You don't go into the band room unless you're a band kid. For any reason.
This was a somewhat unspoken yet widely known rule of the school. I knew a girl who had to deliver a message to someone on the band room once and when she walked in everyone stopped and stared at her. It's just a thing that we all accepted.
Getting to class was a struggle.
Someone thought that giving 4,000 kids five minutes to get to class was a great idea. Well I'm here to tell you that trying weave through that many people is incredibly difficult, especially if you have a classes on opposites sides of campus.
Spirit week was one of the best weeks of the year.
Let's face it, it's not every day that you get to dress like a Disney character or tacky tourist and not be judged. The older you got, the more into it you became. Seniors were always the ones completely decked out for whatever the theme was.
You always knew where to go to get some decent snacks.
When the cafeteria wasn't great and the vending machines just weren't cutting it, you always knew one teacher that was selling some kind of food. These places were well known to everyone but the administration since they technically were not supposed to be fundraising outside of March Madness, or they did know and chose to turn a blind eye. Either way, it worked out for us.
You saved papers to throw at senior walk out.
In recent years they've been trying to ban this beloved tradition. The problem is, you can't keep the entire senior class from walking, so every year seniors throw a collection of papers into the air as the marching band plays the fight song on our way out the door. It's especially satisfying when you throw papers from a class you hated.
You'll always be part of the wolf pack.
Whether or not you enjoyed your time at the school, you have a few friends that you've stayed connected and share memories with. Every time you see the name Timber Creek you click on the link or look at the picture, just to see how your alma mater is doing. And should you hear the fight song, you'll always know exactly when to chant "T-I-M-B-E-R C-R-E-E-K Go Wolves!"