7 Signs You're A True Perfectionist | The Odyssey Online
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7 Signs You're A True Perfectionist

It's not easy being a perfectionist.

7 Signs You're A True Perfectionist
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No matter hard you try, you never really become perfect in life. We have all made mistakes, the littlest and the stupidest ones like forgetting to follow through plans or lying about events that never happened. A perfectionist is defined as an individual who does not accept anything short of perfection; everything has to be perfect and in order. I consider myself to be a perfectionist, not because I want to impress other people, but because I choose to be this way. Here are seven sure signs that you are a true perfectionist:

1. You do more than what is asked of you.

You complete that extra credit even though you do not need it. You do more than what is necessary and often do not get as much recognition as you deserve, whether that is as simple as a congratulatory remark or something as grand as an award certificate with your name embedded.

2. You plan things accordingly.

You have an agenda or a planner for all the assignments you need to finish. You might have to adjust them to work with your hectic schedule. And if you fail to finish those tasks, you get frustrated and feel the need to start over again or at least fix the issues as best as you can in the least amount of time.

3. You are a master procrastinator.

You have probably lost count of how many times you have procrastinated. You feel like late work is better than no work at all. You are also great at working under pressure, especially if it enables you to think more outside the box. My sister is the best procrastinator that I know. She still managed to turn in an assignment by 11:59 p.m. even though it was due at midnight.

4. You grieve over the little losses.

I remember losing in the preliminary round of Spelling Bee in the sixth grade because I did not know how to spell the word "league." I was greatly devastated because I had studied so hard and not make it past that preliminary round. It was comforting to know, however, that my vocabulary improved from that day on.

Just because you lose one battle does not mean that you are going to lose the next one. As long as you give it all you've got, that's what matters. You know you are a perfectionist when you do not let those little losses keep you from trying again till you succeed. Cry it out, but stand firm and keep walking.

5. You get hyped about work.

You hate not doing anything. You are just naturally inclined to get busy and have a bunch of never-ending work load. One of my favorite shows, Parks and Recreation, features a strong female lead named Leslie Knope. She epitomizes a perfectionist, because she wants to do good for the city of Pawnee. Although she encounters different challenges, she overcomes them easily because of her passion and dedication for work.

6. You talk yourself sometimes.

You give yourself a pep talk, especially when no one is watching or right before the final exams. You tell yourself that you are going to make it out alive, pass with flying colors and not even think about that subject again right after the semester ends unless of course it's the first of two episodes, like for instance, Chemistry I and Chemistry II. To my science majors out there, good luck.

7. You hate being compared to other people.

You like making a name for yourself and being unique in a way that people look up to you and go to you for advice. "Why are you so perfect?" they might ask. And you just go right on and tell them, "I'm not. I am just good at hiding my flaws." But sometimes it's okay to show your flaws. It's okay to be be perfectly imperfect. Now that's what I call a true perfectionist.

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