You may be addicted to Pinterest if..., but seriously Pinterest is literally one of the most addictive forms of social media. I remember the good ole days when Pinterest didn't have so many notifications or didn't have the resources to let you buy items with a simple click. Pinterest has spun out of control, or more like it is making me spin out of control. The last time I had the Pinterest app downloaded it took me a solid six months to break the habit of getting on it. However, I recently re-downloaded Pinterest, and now I have practically become addicted again. Some of the things I posted way back in middle school are so embarrassing, too! When my new boyfriend found out I had a Pinterest, he followed me, so he could look through all that I was into. In a sheer panic, I decided to delete half of my boards for it wasn't worth the risk. That's when I knew I had a problem. Here are seven ways to know if you are addicted to Pinterest!
1. You are embarrassed by what you post.
Everything does not have to be pinned. Remember that!
2. If you Pin more than 10 times in one minute.
Slow down you don't know what you are pinning. Pinning a lot is OK, but it does not have to be all at once.
3. If you have to separate one board into two boards.
Having two boards of pretty much the same thing is not the best. Don't be like Emma from the gif!
4. If you can't get off within 15 minutes.
Believe it or not, but Pinning on Pinterest is not and all day activity.
5. Just because you Pin it does not mean you can do it!
Pinning is a talent of its own, if you consider clicking buttons a talent, but seriously leave things to the professionals.
6. Thinking that DIY is always cheaper.
DIY is not always cheaper, but it is always messier!
7. Trying to use what you have at home, but going out and buying everything.
Using things from around the house includes things from your house and not things that you find at Walmart.
Admit you have a problem. Pinterest is addicting, but it is a super functional form of social media, if you limit yourself. Limiting yourself on any social media is good in general. However, if you can't resist the urge to Pin, then just delete the app for a few weeks.