Around this time, the weather gets cooler, the first round of tests starts kicking in and, suddenly, you couldn't be more ready for fall break. Here are some signs that you're ready to take a few days off from college.
1. Sure, there's a lot going on around campus that's fun and exciting.
With football season in full swing, fall weather, and getting settled into your friendships and housing for the year, there is a ton going on around campus to look forward to.
2. But, somehow, all you can think about is how great it will feel to go home.
The sight of your house again, hugging your parents, and playing with your dog will surpass the happiness of acing a study session or going out to get your favorite midnight snack on the weekends.
3. You find yourself constantly daydreaming about your favorite hometown views.
Whether it's the gas station you always go to, your favorite hiking spot, or just the sight of your backyard, the sights you took for granted become something you miss because it reminds you of home.
4. You start talking about home way too much.
Oh, your favorite restaurant came up in conversation again? Or the fact that you FaceTimed your mom for an hour yesterday, and all the funny things she said? Although talking about home isn't the same as being there, it's the best you can do for now.
5. School becomes a lot to handle.
Between spending long nights in the library, having too many assignments due at once, or just the general stress that comes with being in college, sometimes you just need a hug from your family and a good night's sleep in your own room to make schoolwork a little more bearable.
6. Things that may not have been frustrating to you before might start to get a little old.
Walking farther than down the steps for all of your meals? Rarely seeing pets or people that aren't your own age? College can be a foreign place.
7. So all in all, you're ready for a nice trip home.
Because getting homesick makes actually going home that much more rewarding.