You've probably heard the term throughout your life. A night owl, someone who stays up all night and sleeps all day. Well, that's how it would work in a perfect world, but night owls rarely get to sleep all day. Different commitments like jobs and school prevent these people from their desired sleep schedule. Here are a few signs that you are one of these individuals.
1. It’s easier to stay awake until 6 am (not wake up at 6 am.)
Any night owl can attest, it is WAY easier to stay up all night. Try to wake them up at the same time a different day? Good luck, you'll need it.
2. That 2:30 feeling comes around 6:30 at night.
It is so easy to stay up late because you're tired at 6:30, not an acceptable time to go to bed, but fully awake at midnight. Why not just stay up and be productive at that point?
3. You can sleep until noon any day of the week.
Along with being a night owl comes the inability to be a morning person. That being said, morning includes any time with an AM attached to the end.
4. You see more of the moon than the sun.
Since you're up so late all the time, you basically become nocturnal. You rise with the moon and set with the sun.
5. College did not help your sleep schedule.
If you're in, have been, or will be in college, you will come to understand that college in no way, shape, or form makes it easier to be a morning person. You can schedule your classes to be as late as possible, and then you can stay up as late as you can.
6. You’re the last one awake among friends and family.
Night owls tend to be the last one awake at night and the last one awake the next day. You can sit and watch as all of your friends try to keep up with you. They never succeed, and you get to laugh at their inability to stay awake. They're the ones laughing the next morning when they have to drag you out of bed.
7. You’re dead on your feet most days.
Since the world does not conform to night owl's sleep schedule, you are usually tired all the time. Any chance you get, you take a nap because you need that extra 15 minutes to get you to 10:30 then you're wired.