It's almost officially summer in Florida, which means that temperatures will easily reach 90-plus degrees in a matter of days. If you're like me, summer is the time of the year where you have to suffer through intense Florida heat. If, for whatever reason, you actually like summer in Florida, then this is the time of the year that gets you excited for the impending hot weather. I've lived in Florida my entire life, so I believe that there are telltale signs that summer is coming, which I'll discuss in this article. Let's begin, shall we?
1. Each day progressively gets hotter.
Don't you love checking the weather and seeing that each day is going to be hotter than the last? No? Me neither, to be honest. Yet, checking the weather and seeing this is an obvious sign that we are unfortunately reaching summer in Florida.
2. Residents of Florida start looking like this:
Yep. While we may not literally be on fire, we are definitely used to the intense heat. Obviously, we don't like it, and we do complain from time to time, but overall we just trudge through our life outside looking like this.
3. Heat waves off the pavement.
Honestly, sometimes I think this is water on the road. From a distance, it can be very deceiving. Nonetheless, heat waves are definitely a sign of Florida entering summertime.
4. Tourist central
Of course, Florida is home to tourists year round. However, summer means summer vacation, which leads to hoards of children and their family vacationing in Florida. Beaches, theme parks, and roadways are packed with people from all over the country.
5. Lazy days
The hot weather is something that affects my concentration for sure. Some days, I find myself wanting to relax in a hammock, even though I don't own a hammock. If you find yourself wanting to do nothing but relax, especially because of the heat, then you know that it is summer in Florida.
6. Ultimate beach weather
Living in Florida means living in decent proximity to the beach. Beaches, while usually crowded, provides a great way to cool off from the endless heat of the summer. While you might suffer from sunburn, spending the day at the beach is definitely staple for summertime in Florida.
7. Hurricane season
Probably the worst thing about summer in Florida, other than the heat, is the fear of hurricanes making their way towards the state. While hurricane season does provide for rain, the uncertainty of whether or not a storm will hit Florida definitely puts a damper on summer. However, the rain is always welcome. As long as there is no damage from the outskirts of hurricanes or tropical storms. Hurricane season, is actually welcomed by most because of the brief relief from heat that it can provide.