Ah, it's that time of the year again when we come home, kick off our shoes, and sit down to a nice home cooked meal or if you are a child in my house, a huge hot and fresh pizza from the neighborhood pizzeria. Regardless, you are able to relax after the hellish exam weeks.
What better to comfort you than food. But what happens after you have completely stuffed yourself with food and it is time to go back...and that is when it happens: the 7 stages of grief; grieving over all the food you ate and the huge food baby you now have.
Shock/disbelief- "Oh my god, did I just eat all of those slice and bake cookies?"
Denial- "No, of course my dog totally ate some or someone else had some when I wasn’t looking."
Bargaining- "Okay, so let's say I did eat all of those cookies...if I work out today and tomorrow I'll burn off all those calories that I ate, which means I now need to go on Pinterest and look up how to lose 10 pounds in 3 days."
Guilt- "Now I feel horrible. I could have saved those cookies for my sister...or my mom and dad...or literally anyone else."
Depression- *lays in bed and watches Pretty Little Liars and cries over how cute and pretty the girls are...and I bet they don’t stuff their faces full of cookies*
Acceptance/hope- "Okay, now that I have thrown myself a pity party, I need to go to the gym...starting tomorrow…hopefully."