Life is this big game we have no choice but to play. Some of us may feel like we are already losing, worried about not having accomplished our goals, checking off our bucket lists, and realizing our dreams. That does not mean it’s too late. It is never too late. You can still hit a home run and win at life. Instead of throwing some random inspirational quotes out there from famous people, I want to focus on helping you motivate yourself with a few tricks I have learned from personal experience. Here are seven secrets on how to win at life:
1. Don’t compare yourself to others.
Sure, your one friend may have a higher position than you in that company or your one colleague may have gotten a better grade than you on that exam but you feel as if you have worked harder than him or her, so what do you do? Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are a work in progress. Mind your own business. In high school, I used to get anxious when my peers asked me, “What did you get on the test?” But now, I just shrug it off, because I know I can do way better next time.
2. Don’t imitate. Originate.
Make a good name for yourself. Make them respect you for your integrity. By trying to be or copying someone else, you are only hurting yourself, because the people around you would not be able to know the real you. Just be yourself and if they do not accept you for who you are, then consider it their loss, because you are out there living for a purpose.
3. Learn to accept criticism.
There are two types of people you will meet: the criticizer and the criticized. I have been both, but I lean more towards the criticized spectrum. Yes, I have flaws and no, I am not perfect. However, there are always those people out there who want to criticize you for almost every decision you make. What I do not understand is whether they are trying to be helpful or just purposefully trying to bring you down. I have to admit I have applied to several scholarships in college, but I have not heard back from any of them. It’s a tough competition, but I am not giving up. I am here patiently waiting for my “lucky break.” I have learned that criticisms should not be taken to heart, but rather taken in mind.
4. Know your purpose.
Why are you here on this planet? If you adhere to a certain faith or religion, you would know that you have a purpose in life. We weren’t just placed out here to die. There has to be a reason. We may not understand everything, but one thing’s for certain; we are human beings with wants and needs. It is safe to say that most of us would want to win at life.
5. Make lifelong friends.
Those inseparable connections are what you really need. Being trustworthy and loyal is what makes someone a lifelong friend. He or she can share the same goals as you and you can work together to reach them. You may have your ups and your downs, but that is true for any friend. Hold on to them dearly lest you will lose them.
6. Stick with your family.
You know they always got your back through thick and thin. They will always be your home, where you feel warmest and safest. If you are in financial need, you can talk with your parents and work something out. They may tell you that you should get a job, but my best bet is that they will let you live at home for as long as you want till you are able to walk back on your own feet.
7. Follow your heart.
It is not as simple as it sounds. Following your heart may have to mean making sacrifices. But in the end, you should know and feel that it is all worth it. You will feel like a winner at life and finally feel like you are the luckiest person alive and you cannot wait for what the world has in good store for you.