Boys sweat, smell, eat too much and beat you up. They hog the remote for the television and whatever food is in the fridge. But I can guarantee you that is nothing comparable to the luxury, yet monstrosity, of sisters. The wrestling matches evolve into silent treatments. The rancid body odor becomes perfume and hairspray. It can be very difficult to handle these ghastly, yet graceful, creatures. If you’re moving in with step sisters, planning on living with females, or just curious as to how girls live at home, here’s what you need to know:
1. Clothing.
This is one of the most controversial areas of girls. The MMA of females. The World War between sisters. The never ending, “You stole my shirt” and “Yeah, well you stole my shoes.” These fights could last for decades. But honestly, it’s not all that complicated; here’s what you have to do: If you want to wear your sister’s clothes, ask. If she says no, then the answer is no. End of story. But is she takes your clothes without asking, in my opinion, it gives you one freebie to take hers. You never know if she was planning on wearing that outfit soon or if she had never worn it before or what. So just ask. The worst thing that can happen is that she says no.
2. Keep your showers under 20 minutes.
This can go for any sibling rules, but girls, especially. When you grow up with four girls sharing one bathroom, it can get kind of crowded sometimes. On the occasion, when we all needed to get ready for something, say a wedding or Christmas dinner, the line for the shower grew intense. Keeping your shower under 20 minutes also helps the water stay nice and moderately hot, even for the fourth person in line. Also, if you really want to speed up the getting ready process, keep the bathroom door unlocked while you’re in the shower. Not only will others be able to get ready while you’re in there, but you also might be able to stay in there a few extra minutes without them noticing.
3. Dating.
4. Don’t ever listen to someone that says “your poor dad.”
You’re going to hear it all the time. And you know why? People are surprised that you still do have a stable father after he raised multiple daughters. So you should be proud of him. However, you shouldn’t let anyone talk to you this way because even if they are just trying to be funny, it comes off to me as demeaning and a little rude. If you ever come across someone ignorant enough to say this, just remember: you can probably beat them up because your dad raised his daughters to be fighters, your dad is proud to be the only guy in the house—it allows him to maintain his manhood. Even give them some sympathy; they probably don’t have the privilege of having sisters.
5. Be prepared for people to tell you that you look alike.
Even if you think you don’t, accept this comment. Chances are, it’s probably a compliment.
6. Don’t even think about having a clean bathroom.![]()
If you are lucky enough to see the counter, find your toothbrush, do your makeup while utilizing the entire mirror, or have your own toiletries, then you wouldn’t survive with sisters, or at least not with three of them. Between makeup, hair products, and who knows what else, the “girl’s bathroom” is by far the messiest room in the house.
7. Have each other’s backs.
You get to grow up with three of your best friends and future bridesmaids. As cheesy as it sounds, after the silent car rides before school, the endless competition over everything, and the fights that make you want to sleep outside, you know you’re lucky to have sisters.
As much of a pain as it can be to grow up with sisters, they are a blessing in your life whether you realize or not. Sure, the bathroom will never be clean, but you have a massive supply of clothes for almost any occasion (as long as you ask). You also always have someone to talk to when you need to rant, gossip, or laugh. If you can sit in the same room long enough without breaking out into a battle, those gruesome creatures might not be so bad after all.