There are some people on this planet that think romance is dead, but I disagree. Maybe the standard of romance has just changed over the years. Whether that's a good thing or not is up to you, but I've come up with a solid list full of romantic gestures that would make pretty much any girl swoon in 2K16. Take your pick of my fine selection and I can guarantee positive results in 30 days or less. (No refunds).
1. Bring your girl roses.
I'm starting ya'll off with a classic. You really can't go wrong here unless roses killed her family and she told you that on the first date which is really just a lesson in listening. Seriously, if you don't pay attention to your girl whenever she talks you're just cruising for a bruising. It also may be important to figure out what kind of flower she likes instead of going for the cliche, but in my experience most of us are fine with just plain ol' roses.
2. Buy your girl a pizza.
The way to a girl's heart is solidly through her digestive track, regardless of what you learned in Bio 1 last semester. The cardiovascular intricacies of love are fueled by calories and the amalgam of cheese, bread, and pure deliciousness cannot be beat. Seriously try it. The second you order a girl a pizza (or surprise her with one) her world will light up a little more. Major brownie points are headed your way, pal.
3. Get your girl's morning classes cancelled.
To be honest, this one has never happened to me and I'm not sure it's even possible. Maybe I just included it in this list for wishful thinking purposes. You don't know my life. What you do know, however, is that everyone despises morning classes and class getting cancelled feels like glitter looks. Trust me. If you're ever in the neighborhood and see your girl's morning class professor maybe start up a conversation, maybe spike his or her coffee, maybe perform some light kidnapping. Whatever, man. You didn't hear this from me.
4. Put the chill back in "Netflix and Chill".
Do you have any idea how many hours of Netflix there are? Not only is binging together a great couple activity, but maybe you'll develop a bond like no other- the illustrious "our show" relationship. Once you develop a ritual of watching a certain show with your girl that show is forever tainted with the remnants of you. That sounds kind of creepy, but Netflix is a serious business. It's not for jokes.
Don't even think about trying to interrupt her favorite season with "chill".
5. Attend concerts with your girl.
Fact: People love music.
Secondary fact: Concerts are the best way to share the experience of music with a girl you like.
Concerts embody the experience of your favorite tunes at a static place and time that can never be felt again like it was when you were there. If you share that with someone else then that person is also part of that moment. It's classic association, people.
6. Pet animals with your girl.
If the harbinger of your affections likes animals even a little bit, this will happen at some point. You should remember that no matter what the animal is, she may want to pet it. Snakes, birds, cats, etc are all fair game here. If she volunteers at an animal shelter, she's really going to be big about this one.
7. Avoid running away for as long as possible.
The girl you're into or dating might be a little crazy. Maybe you suspect that she is actually a lizard person who drapes human skin over her form every morning, but you love her anyway. It's fine. A guy facing a girl's flaws and not judging her, losing interest, or literally running away can almost be considered a romantic gesture in this day and age. That's setting the bar kind of low, but you know what I'm talking about if you've been there.
At the end of the day, we should all look at our romantic interest and appreciate them for who they are because that's what matters,