Let me just say, first and foremost, happy Thanksgiving! This holiday is known as a time for families to get together, to be thankful for the blessings in our lives, and to dig into a lot of very delicious food that you'll be having as leftovers for the next week. However, this family time is certainly not without downsides, as we are forced to confront certain family members on matters that should best be left out of Thanksgiving discussion, and in my case, this happens to be my father, who is the only republican in our family (that I know of).
(FYI: Since I still live with my dad, it's not just Thanksgiving when I'm forced to listen to him talk about politics, as I had gotten a taste of where he stands just from earlier this year alone.)
To be fair, my dad had admitted that he's not as conservative a Republican as he used to be, but nevertheless, he does still hold onto certain beliefs that I can't, all in all, agree with. So, if you're a Democrat like me and you have someone like this in your own family close to you (as in living arrangement-wise), then maybe you can benefit from this short list of responses to use if they decide to bring up some very political subject matter while having Thanksgiving dinner.
Note: Keep in mind that these are mainly tailored from my own experience of my own beliefs and of hearing certain things that I heard my dad say, so feel free to tweak them in your favor!
For the record, saying "All Lives Matter" does nothing but brush off the issues that the BLM movement is trying to resolve.
If you see our neighbor's house on fire, would you use the hose to clean out your own house's gutters instead of trying to help put out the fire next door? I didn't think so.
We may not agree on everything, but you have to admit that the outcome of this election is the best thing to come from this year.
I think the ever-rising coronavirus death count is proof enough that something needs to change.
You may have voted for Trump in the last election, but after these last four years, his departure from office (when he does leave) is certainly for the best.
Just think: you may never have to see another Trump campaign ad on TV ever again (hopefully)!
On "American heritage," while I can agree that some legacies are worth protecting, it's the ones that cause more harm than good that I can't agree with you on.
It may be the only thing that you agree with Trump on, but it's still an issue that has severe, everlasting consequences when taken too far — if it hasn't gotten there already.
You may not agree with Biden on all accounts, but I hope you'd choose a flawed welfare plan over a string of damaging issues and countless lives lost any day.
Saving money may be important for survival, but there are myriad more things to consider when survival just isn't enough; just consider the ones who don't but otherwise could have survived…
I agree that we should have younger candidates to run for president, but even if either can't serve (*knock on wood*), what's wrong with having the first woman of color as president instead of another old white man who can't help but attract flies?
Pence may have an adorable bunny, but unless Marlon Bundo anthropomorphizes and helps undo the damage his owner has caused, I'd have Harris be the one to step up for us all.
I know we're different and we think differently and have different viewpoints, so why don't we as a family just agree to disagree?
Because at the end of the day, these two parties exist for a reason, and it is Thanksgiving, so for the sake of the season, let's put all this to rest and have a nice time, devoid of politics.
* * *
If you happen to be reading this, Dad, just know that most of these items on the list are the things I have been wanting to say but couldn't muster up the courage to say them to you out of fear of messing up when arguing for my own stance, and I mean these in a respectful manner, so I hope there aren't hard feelings about all of this.
Happy Thanksgiving, Dad… and of course, happy birthday just the day after! Regardless of our political affiliations, I love you and I'm glad to have you in my life.