Anyone who knew me from freshman year of college knows how much I liked dorm food and how I desperately miss it. I pigged out in the last few months of freshman year because I knew it would be the last I'd ever taste of dorm food fried rice. If only meal plans weren't so darned expensive. So here's some reasons why you should not ever take dorm food for granted. There are definitely more than seven, but here are my top seven reasons:
1. It’s time-saving.
You don't have to waste precious time in having to make your food yourself. You just find what you like and get as much of it as you want with the luxury of not having to worry about what portion size to make.
2. You don't have to make the food yourself.
While the above reason is more for the convenience in cutting out the time it takes to spend cooking, this is more for the convenience of sparing yourself the effort to try. I spent nearly all of fall quarter this year living off of rice and eggs (when I'm not eating frozen food or take out).
3. You don’t have to wash dishes after you’re done.
No one ever likes to do dishes and the idea of not having to do any dishes for an entire year sounds like a heaven I'll never get to experience again.
4. Your next class is less than 10 minutes away, maybe even 5.
With your dorm on campus, you can more than likely risk spending more time at the dining commons to eat and still be able to make it to class on time, while I now have to plan to add on an extra 30 minutes to an hour for time walking or taking a shuttle to my next class after eating.
5. You can afford to eat breakfast.
I can’t even count the number of times I’ve skipped breakfast this quarter just so I can make it to the bus on time while still getting enough sleep to function for the day.
6. Really, you can afford to eat however many meals in a day you want.
Late night is great. All-you-can-eat is great. And, oh yes, freshman 15 is real. But food is good.
7. If you have the unlimited meal plan, you’ve never experienced anything more convenient than going to the dining commons.
You don't realize how great it is to live next to the dining commons until you have that craving for a cookie, for an ice cream cone, for fruit, maybe even all of the above. And then just as soon as you’re walking out the doors you realize you’re craving another cookie. So you go back in, of course, with no consequence.