Traveling is something that almost anyone would choose to do if they could. There is something about being able to see the world that excites us; being outside of our comfort zones can be so fulfilling. I know it can be scary leaving that comfort zone, but getting out and seeing the world for yourself opens your eyes to so much. There is so much waiting at your fingertips, and you won't know that if you don't take the leap to go. Here are seven reasons why I believe that you should travel young!
1. More freedom and less responsibilities
When you are young, you only have yourself to worry about. You don't have to worry about children, bills, full-time jobs, etc. Every older person that talks to me about traveling always says, "Do it while you can," and I have taken those words to heart. Whether you realize it or not, it will be so much cheaper and easier to travel without kids.
2. Traveling teaches independence
When traveling, you can learn a lot about independence. Going on a road trip without any parents results in you having to figure out what to do for yourself. You will be halfway across the country and will need to make a decision on the spot. It is OK to make that decision, and whether or not you make the right decision, you will grow as a person. Learning independence through traveling is fun and will help you for the rest of your life.
3. Life is short
A lot of people wait until retirement to travel, and although I understand the reasoning for that, I also have learned that life is short. We just never know when our time will come, therefore I am going to live all that I can every day of my life. At the end of my lifetime, I want to make sure that I traveled and saw everything that I dreamed of.
4. Educational purposes
You can learn a lot while traveling. Whether it be learning stuff about yourself or learning stuff about the world it is all important. Taking the time to learn about the world and yourself is important for you to live a happy life. Find out what you like and what you don't like. Go to places that you think you won't like because, who knows, you might end up loving it there. Learning is a beautiful thing, and learning and knowing yourself is important for your future!
5. Global awareness
Yes, you can see pictures of other countries and other cities, but you don't know what it is truly like there unless you see it for yourself. Being globally aware is very important for a variety of reasons, and I feel that you can't be globally aware without experiencing it firsthand. A lot of people don't know what is going on in other countries, and that is discomforting. We should all know what's going on in the world that we live in!
6. Budgeting
By traveling young, you will learn how to budget. You will learn to budget your money while on your trip, but also how to budget to go on trips. I know money is a big issue for a lot of people wanting to travel, but if you save X amount of dollars out of each paycheck, you will be able to go on those trips that you have dreamed of. Instead of buying that iced coffee, put that money in a jar for a road trip! I promise you can make it without that iced coffee!
7. Find your calling
If you stay in one place all your life, how will you know what you truly like? Sure, you might like your surroundings and that's great, but get out there and see the world. Find out what your calling is so you can spend every day loving what you do! There is enough misery in this world to go around, so why not dictate your own happiness by finding your purpose?
What are you waiting for? Go for it, go travel the world and live life! Don't wait your whole life — the time is now!