Winter is upon us, which means snow for some, and icy cold for others. Some say it’s a good opportunity to cuddle up to your honey. That’s nice for the people who actually have honeys. (I’m not bitter. I’m not bitter.) But you know what is bitter? This cold. Here are some reasons winter is actually the worst.
1. Icy winds.
What! What is this? You need scarf, layers, and gloves just for walking down the street a ways. Layers are too puffy for your car, and they’re too puffy for walking with your backpack – it’s all really unpleasant.
2. Red, burning hands.
Red, cracked, and on fire. Need more be said?
3. Walking anywhere hurts.
The icy air makes your chest burn. Your face is red and losing feeling. Why do people live here? Why do you live here? Oh, right, it’s beautiful. And usually the weather is mild.
4. Icy roads.
You worry initially that there’s something wrong with your tires, but when you get out of your car and slip on black ice, causing you to hang on desperately to your car door, you realize that it’s just the road. Thank goodness for car doors.
5. Icy sidewalks.
OK, so you fell flat on your back and nearly cracked your head open on ice once, but really, what kind of damage can ice do, anyway?
6. Frosty car.
Scrape… scrape… scrape. No, it’s not the hook man. You know you had an ice scraper at one point, but now you’re forced to use a credit card. How tragic for your hands.
7. When you’re single.
All you can do is curl up in a blanket by yourself and watch TV with some hot cocoa. Oh wait, that’s actually not too bad.
Winter definitely has its down sides, but maybe it’s not so bad after all. Think about bundling up and heading up to the mountains. The ice and snow can be pretty spectacular up there.