Over the last 10 years or so, there has become a certain stigma around drinking soda. Some research has found that most ingredients in it can be harmful to our bodies and are not good for us at all. While it's OK to splurge every once in a while, here is why you should try your best to cut soda out of your life.
It contributes to diabetes--
Regular and diet soda have so much sugar or fake sugar sweeteners that it overloads your body, and over time you can develop type 2 diabetes.
It contains some bad ingredients--
Most to all sodas contain high fructose corn syrup, and the diet ones have artificial sweeteners that may be something like aspartame. That is basically embalming fluid (yikes).
It's terrible for your teeth--
While drinking it, you are basically giving your teeth a, acid bath, which can lead and contribute to the break down of enamel and totally demolish your teeth.
It dehydrates your body--
While drinking a nice cool soda sounds and feels so refreshing, it actually does the opposite to your body, dehydrating you and actually making you crave more sugar.
You don't need it for caffeine--
While there is caffeine in sodas and that can be the first thing to pick up when you start to feel tired, there are many other options, such as coffee and tea, to wake you up throughout the day.
You can save so much money--
While not spending $1.50 on soda every coupe of days and maybe just opting for the water cup or lemonade, you will save so much money that you can spend on other things.
Save so many calories too--
Saving those extra 100-210 calories on just one can of soda, and not including refills, can majorly contribute to your weight and make the difference if you are trying to lose it.
So overall, soda isn't good for you and have no nutritional benefits whatsoever. I try to stay away from it, but splurge every so often. It is fine with moderation, but don't go over board.