Syllabus week, a.k.a the best week of the semester is upon us. It's a fresh start and a chance to redeem ourselves from semesters past. It's also a great time to have some fun before the seriousness of the semester sets in. Here are 7 reasons why syllabus week is the best week of the semester.
1. Partying.
Syllabus week is the one week of the semester where you don't have to feel guilty about going out on a school night. It's Wednesday? Yeah, no problem, go for it.
2. You're relaxed.
Syllabus week is the only time where you feel on top of things. You're not behind on any assignments and you haven't quite entered the state of constant procrastination that follows you around the rest of the semester. It's quite wonderful.
3. Leaving class as soon as possible.
During syllabus week, classes consist of taking attendance and going over the syllabus. If you're lucky you get out with plenty of time to go back to bed and watch Netflix.
4. A sense of hope.
Syllabus week has this magical way of making you feel confident that this will be your semester and you are going to do things right this time. You are going to do every assignment with plenty of time to spare, study way in advance for tests, and get that A. It might be a false sense of hope, but it's hope nonetheless.
5. Everyone is excited.
Syllabus week allows you to reunite with your friends you missed desperately while you were away from them over break. You are all excited for the new semester and the adventures it has in store.
6. College seems easy.
What is everyone talking about? College is a breeze. I could go out every night, do no homework, and go to class for half the amount of tie allotted for it every week. I don't know why I ever complained.
7. New everything.
New folders, new pencils, new paper, everything is fresh and you aren't completely sick of everything yet. You aren't tired of your classes or your professors and you feel ready to take on the semester.