We've all seen the Geico commercial with the guinea pigs in the boat in the plastic container where one guinea pig is calling for the others to row. I know that this is the image that most people get when they picture rowing, but this is not the entirety of rowing. Rowing is the best sport for people of all ages. Here are seven reasons why!
1. You get RIPPED.
Muscles. Rowing is the best sport because it uses every muscle in the human body. At each point in the stroke, you are using different portions of your muscles, but at the completion of each stroke, you have used every single one. Despite what most may think, rowing uses not only your arms and legs but also your back, your abs, your feet, your hands, your torso, your shoulders, your butt (why do you think we do so many squats?) and always YOUR BRAIN. Rowing is one of the most (if not THE MOST) mentally taxing sports because you have to use every single muscle in your body to its maximum potential.
2. You get to be a part of a TEAM.
Rowing is THE team sport. If one person fails, everyone fails. Teamwork and camaraderie is the most important part of being in a boat. In a boat, you have to push each other to each person's physical and mental limits. Rowers are taught to not only pull for themselves, but to pull for their teammates. Being a part of a team gives you access to so many people and many future opportunities. Rowers are looked at in very high confidence in the job market due to their supreme team working abilities. Mentioning that you row or have rowed can immediately boost your value to a future employer (especially if they were a rower or have children that row)!
3. You get to MEET NEW PEOPLE.
Regattas are a lot of fun. You get to meet so many new people. In high school, I went to regattas where I raced against close to 200 schools and clubs from around the continent. I have friends in so many states and from so many different backgrounds that I have met through rowing! Not to mention that rowers often meet new people on their OWN TEAMS. Some of my best friends are people that I have met through rowing. If I had not rowed, I would have never had the opportunity to meet these people.
4. There are TONS of SCHOLARSHIP$!
Rowing is becoming an increasingly more popular sport in the collegiate universe of the United States. This means that rowers are in high demand to build up the new programs! Rowing scholarships are achieved with hard work just like any other scholarship. I received a scholarship, myself, to row. Scholarships are super important when it comes to college in today's society with the increasing tuition rates at universities across the globe (a five percent increase!).
The highlight of every regatta is the food tent. Typically, a group of parents volunteer to set up and cook food for the team and their families at every regatta. It's like the ULTIMATE barbecue! It's so much fun getting to hang out at the food tent and cheer on your teammates.
6. Rowing has the COOLEST TERMINOLOGY.
Have you ever caught a crab? Yeah. That's a rowing term. No, it does not mean what you think it does. Catching a crab is something that no rower wants to experience but has to. (Only rowers will understand the pain/frustration of catching a crab!) Let it run! Yeah. Also a rowing phrase. What's a coxswain? Port? Starboard? Try rowing. You'll find out.
7. You learn the importance of TIME MANAGEMENT.
In rowing, it's no surprise that some days you will have two practices. Morning practices can be pretty rough, but then we schedule in a nap or two or three. Evening practices can go anywhere from an hour long to three hours, so rowers really have to learn how to manage their time well. Between rowing and school, you learn how to manage your time and become pretty self-sufficient. To Do Lists are every rower's best friend!