1. She got into Yale.
As many ‘Gleeks’ know, Quinn Fabray really wasn’t the best role model for awhile. Quinn set pianos on fire, smoked, drank, partied, and worst of all, she was impregnated by her best friend’s boyfriend; however, despite all the drama, she still managed to be a stellar student.
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2. She was the captain of ‘The Cheerios.'
As an athlete, I know it takes a lot of responsibility to be selected as captain. You must be responsible, kind, and good at the sport. You also have to be able to lead the team through thick and thin, and Quinn was able to do all of that. She was selected as head cheerleader, and she was her coach’s favorite. Not only was Quinn smart, but she was athletic, and a natural leader.
3. She was athletic AND musically talented.
Quinn had it all, she was athletic, smart, and musically talented. She was good at singing, as she was a big part of the Glee’s success. It’s hard to juggle sports practices AND THEN go to singing lessons. She managed her time well enough to be able to be part of the Glee Club and be on the cheerleading team.
4. Quinn was ALSO head of the Celibacy Club.
Like I said earlier, it takes a lot to be part of a school association and be chosen out of all the students to be the captain or the head of a club. Quinn was a leader. She was able to take on challenges and have a successful outcome.
5. Quinn was a good friend to her friends.
Yes, Glee fans know that she wasn't exactly a nice person before, in the beginning of the season, but she eventually became a caring friend to all her fellow glee-mates. Rachel came to her for advice about boys, and her marriage with Finn. Quinn, looking out for her, told her not to marry him and pursue her dreams. Rachel respected Quinn as a friend well enough to give, only Quinn, a ticket to her school so that she could visit her in NYADA. Not only was she a good friend to Rachel, but she was a good friend to Puck. She helped Puck get a ‘Puckerman A’ which was really a C-. She saw that Puck needed a passing grade to graduate with his friends, so she took it into her hands to help him pass.
6. Quinn may have had multiple boyfriends, but in the end, she found ‘the one’.
Quinn was known to be popular and pretty. She had a few boyfriends back in high school, but she ended up realizing that Puck was the one she wanted. Puck and Quinn formerly dated in high school and had a child together, but once they settled down in the real world, they realized their true feelings. I would say that that’s ‘relationship goals’.
7. She was able to let go of the past and move on.
Everyone makes mistakes. Quinn made a few major mistakes like getting pregnant by her boyfriend’s best friend. Let’s be real, though, I’m sure you know people who dated their boyfriend’s best friend after or while dating their boyfriend. It’s not right, but it’s a mistake.Everyone is allowed to make mistakes. She also drank and, at some point, hung out with ‘the wrong crowd’, but again, that’s just typical high school drama. Everyone drinks in high school, and everyone, at some point, realizes that they’re hanging with the wrong group of friends. Quinn was head cheerleader, intelligent, head of the Celibacy Club, and part of the Glee club while all of this drama was going on, which makes Quinn my role model.