Most people who have gone to college or are still in college can recall one of the biggest, but also one the best mistakes they ever made: Classes...
(At night)
1. It’s at night. (duh!)
But seriously though, you do realize how much you regret waking up early this morning to go to the gym. Just when you thought classes couldn’t get any worse, someone invented class at night.
2. It is twice as boring as a class during the middle of the day.
It’s dinnertime, everyone else is going out shopping, people are celebrating the end of the day, and you are stuck in class still. How are you supposed to focus right now?
3. At least it’s only once or twice a week!
Most night classes I had in the past were classes that were three hours long, and only once a week. Think of all that time that you get for the rest of that week at night! There’s so much more room for activities.
4. There’s all the more reason to come into class in pajamas.
Think about it, it’s the same as waking up for an 8am class and wearing pajamas… Why not wear pajamas to class for bed after?
5. Is it me or are the available night classes always on Mondays?
There’s so much regret when you schedule yourself for that Monday 6pm-9pm class. If you get lucky, it’s not on a Monday.
6. It’s scheduled during your dinner, so professors actually encourage you to bring food.
In fact, you may or may not get that ‘A’ you want if you bring in food for the teacher.
7. Overall, even though you suffer through those three hour long night classes you can push yourself to that 18 credit mark per semester.
And what does that mean? More room for a minor in later semesters. Or maybe you can even graduate early, cause who doesn’t love saving money when it comes to college loans.
So are night classes really that bad? Be honest, at least they are not morning classes… That’s a whole another story.