7 Reasons Why I Love The Mets
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7 Reasons Why I Love The Mets

Ya Gotta Believe

7 Reasons Why I Love The Mets
Alex Horowitz

I have only been a Mets fan since 2012, but it has certainly been an amazin' ride being a fan of the boys in orange and blue. Although I was a Yankees fan during their most recent World Series championship, the Mets, to me, are way more special. Here are the top seven reasons why becoming a fan of the Mets is one of the best decisions I've ever made.

1. We have the best fan base in the league

Despite sharing a city with the world-popular Yankees, the Mets have managed to develop a fan base that rivals any other in Major League Baseball. Watching the amount of insanity at Citi Field during last year's playoff run truly emphasized how Met fans live and die with their team. And don't forget about The 7 Line Army, perhaps the most dedicated group of fans in all of sports. Now that's what I called a home field advantage.

2. The pitching rotation is the GOAT

Name me another team that has a pitcher one through five in its rotation that can legitimately be labeled as an ace. With Jacob deGrom, Noah Syndergaard, Matt Harvey, Steven Matz, and Zach Wheeler (who is returning later this season), the Mets can certainly make that argument.

3. Citi Field

Sure, it's only been around since 2009, but this is no doubt one of the nicest and most unique ballparks in the bigs. What I love especially most about Citi is the immense amount of space out in Center Field to just walk around and converse with other fans...and you can't talk about this stadium without mentioning Shake Shack.

4. The Lineup

Unlike several years ago, this year's Mets team boasts a lineup in which the 1 through 8 hitters all have potential to cause serious damage, with some monster power. On one hand, there is the Captain, David Wright, who has been here since 2004. But then there are also the new guys such as Asdrubal Cabrera and Neil Walker, who in their short time in Queens, have proven to be major assets to the ball club. My personal favorite, Yoenis Cespedes, is one of the greatest things to have happened to the Mets in recent memory. His power bat and bright neon arm sleeve are all I needed to see to become an instant fan.

5. "Put it in the Books!"

It's safe to say that Howie Rose is the best radio announcer in the game. While being away at college, I haven't really been able to watch the TV broadcasts of games, but listening to Mets games on the radio certainly has not been a consolation prize. With Howie on the radio and Gary Cohen, Ron Darling, and Keith Hernandez working the booth for SNY, it makes for one of the best announcing tandems in baseball.

6. The 2015 Playoff Run

Easily one of the most exciting times of my life. There was a lot of stress over these four weeks in October, but watching this team's incredible journey was worth all the pain in the end. Even though we lost in a very disappointing fashion to the Royals, the series against Los Angeles and Chicago got me more excited to be a sports fan than I ever have in my entire life. Being able to watch these games at college with some other diehard Met fans made the experience that much greater.

7. They ARE New York's Team

Move aside, Yankees. The Mets are New York's team nowadays. As much as fans of the Stanks love to brag about their 27 rings, the past is the past, quite frankly. The Metropolitans are clearly the better team right now and by virtue of that, they are THE team in The Big Apple.

It's going to be a very fun season. LET'S GO METS!

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