Girls, listen up because things are about to get real. You know all those things that you stress about daily, or the toxic people in your life? Get them out of your life. You don't need that in your life. I guarantee there are so many other people in the world who deserve your effort and will actually give it in return. Your happiness is more important that trying to keep people in your life who don't belong there. I go through this struggle everyday, there is nothing better than being in a good place. Which may or may not be with people that you truly care about.
7. The person you're trying to make happy doesn't care about your happiness.
This is the most common answer, no matter how hard you may try to make the effort they won't worry about you. Why should you be giving someone the time of day who you don't need in your life?
6. There is nothing you can do to fix them.
They need to work through their own problems before you can become a relevant part of their life. You can't "fix" people unless they want to be fixed.
5. You > Everyone else.
This one is self-explanatory. You are number one, everyone else is under you.
4. Forget about stressful things.
There are multiple things in life that stress people out, one thing to start worrying about your happiness is to get rid of them. Or try to get rid of as much as your can. There isn't much you can do about some stressful things, like class, but the ones you can, drop them.
3. The world needs more happy people.
There are way to many debbie-downers in this world, so be happy. Happiness makes everything better. So therefore, don't be mad, get glad.
2. Happy people are healthier.
Research shows a direct correlation between health and happiness. What more do you need for a reason to be happy?
1. Nothing is going to be bad forever.
If there is nothing else to hope for in being happy, know that things get better. Whether you are suffering through a loss, breakup, or a disease things always get better.
Happiness is crazy important in life. There is nothing you can't have if you are happy. There are times when you are in a slouch or a dark place, but you need to pick your head up and keep moving toward the brighter days. Whenever I am down, I look to the Bible, there are so many inspirational verses in their to keep your head afloat among the midst of stress, doubt, and fear.
"I loved you at your darkest." Romans 5:8