7 Reasons Why Greek Life Is Great | The Odyssey Online
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7 Reasons Why Greek Life Is Great

Greek life is more than just a stereotype.

7 Reasons Why Greek Life Is Great

Greek life is often portrayed by the media as a negative thing, incorrectly stereotyping it to be all about the parties and other superficial aspects. What a lot of people don't know are the many benefits of Greek life and the plethora of ways it helps communities and individuals better themselves before entering the real world. These seven reasons and more prove how great Greek life really is.

1. It's a way to give back to the community.

In Greek life, it is typically required that each member of the different chapters completes a certain amount of hours of community service. Members of Greek life are able to pick what organizations or charities they want to get involved with, giving back to the community in numerous ways. Along with that, each chapter usually has a philanthropy they are devoted to, throwing different events and providing services to benefit it.

2. It helps you academically.

In order to remain an active member of the sorority or fraternity one is involved in, a required GPA is set, forcing members to keep up with their academics. There can be study rooms in houses and libraries with numerous resources to help better one's grades. As an underclassmen, a member has many different people to look up to and ask about what classes to take and what professors to avoid.

3. It provides you with leadership opportunities.

Chapters have many positions offered in their sororities and fraternities that can help one earn a leadership opportunity. Through interviews and voting, one has the ability to become more involved in their chapter and better their future resumé.

4. It helps you become more well-rounded.

Houses commonly want their members to be involved as well, requiring them to get involved with different activities in the university or workforce to stay in the chapter. This way, members are well rounded and pushed to be a part of more than just Greek life.

5. It provides you with future networking opportunities.

When one joins Greek life, they are joining a huge network of different individuals, leading to numerous opportunities with future internships, careers, and so much more.

6. You can become a part of tradition.

Whether you're a legacy and want to have a similar experience to someone in your family, or you have always had an interest in Greek life, joining a chapter allows you to become part of a tradition that goes back decades and decades.

7. It benefits your social life.

Joining Greek life provides you with instant friends in the chapter you choose. Especially for college freshman entering their schools for the first time, Greek life really does help take away some of the anxiety one may feel about meeting new people. Besides the friends in one's chapter, they can make friends in the different sororities and fraternities through different events through Greek life.

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