7 Reasons Why Chocolate Is Life | The Odyssey Online
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7 Reasons Why Chocolate Is Life

Chocolate is ground from the beans of happiness-- Terri Guillemets

7 Reasons Why Chocolate Is Life
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When someone tells me they aren’t a “chocolate person” I stand in awe, question their human existence, and am extremely tempted to make sure they still have a pulse. What. How. When. WHY?!?! How could someone NOT love this incredibly decadent, amazing in every way creation? Chocolate is magical. It can turn a bad day around in a hot minute. It can make you feel like you’re a million bucks while it quickly melts in your mouth like heaven. The power of chocolate should not be questioned. Here are seven reasons to back up the truth of why chocolate is life:

Reason 1: It doesn’t judge you

Chocolate doesn’t nag in your ear telling you that ten pieces of Dove’s sea salt and caramel is far too many. Instead, it ensures you that just one more piece won't hurt. Chocolate is your friend.

Reason 2: It’s always there for you

In the good times and the bad times, chocolate doesn’t waiver. It’s always there to cheer you up, and help dry your tears. Bad test grade, awful breakup, horrific hair day, chocolate is there for you.

Reason 3: It's Healthy

Science has proven the mystery we always knew when they discovered that chocolate is in fact healthy for you. All. The. Hallelujahs. It reduces stress, boosts energy(hello my dear friend, caffeine), and can even help your heart health. Hold the phone. Disclaimer: to have the health benefits it’s has to be dark chocolate, AND you probably shouldn’t even twenty seven pieces. Not to ruin your chocolate vibes or anything. You do you, my friends.

Reason 4: It can be combined with any delicious dessert.

Did someone say double chocolate chunk ice cream? Or brownies, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cheesecake, chocolate pie. Don’t leave off Reese cups. Need I say more? Chocolate simply elevates these desserts and brings them to a whole other level.

Reason 5: It makes you happy

There aren’t too many things that makes me happier than snuggling down with a good blanket, movie, and a few pieces of my favorite chocolate. It’s a genuine happiness.

Reason 6: For the ladies: It makes periods 1000000% more bearable

Raise your hand if you start craving chocolate a few days before Aunt Red comes to town?? Nothing eases cramps like chocolate. You deserve it ladies, do not let anyone tell you anything different.

Reason 7: It’s acceptable to eat at any and every meal.

Okay maybe not if you’re trying to watch your figure (swim suit season is that you?), BUT it can be enjoyed just as much in the morning and it can as a midnight snack. Chocolate has no specific time frame.

Chocolate is seriously life. I could go on and on about how chocolate makes me swoon. But I’ll stop here and say that if you aren’t a chocolate lover, you should really reconsider. You won’t regret it.

Chocolate is cheaper than therapy and you don't need an appointment. --Catherine Aitken
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