Many people still have the misconception that anime are cartoons for kids, otaku's, or even perverts. I'm here to say that is dead wrong! Anime is for everyone. We all can take something out of it.
1. Life Lessons/Values
Such as the law of equivalent exchange. To obtain something, we must lose something of equal value.
We learn that we should be the change we want to see in the world.
And we also learn the power of friendships and their value.
2. Art/Scenery
Everyone appreciates good artwork. If that isn't beautiful, I don't know what is.
3. There's an anime for everyone
The list goes on and on. You could select your anime based on genre, demographics, and how long or short of a series you'd like to watch. There's literally something for everyone.
4. Surprises
Plenty of people think that once you've seen, read, or watched a "sufficient" amount of stories, there's not much else out there that could surprise you. Again, you are wrong. Especially when it comes to anime. There's enough anime out there to feed your imagination!
5. Exploration of Cultures
In Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, we had an integration and bond between the Amestrians, Ishvalans, and Xingese people when fighting the villain. After years of conflict and war, their cooperation with each other was a pretty big deal!
6. Meet "new" people
Obviously, it's not possible to list all of the possible personalities you can encounter in anime. There are way too many. The point, however, is to show the types of people in an anime that resemble those out there in the real world. On that note, anime definitely brings people together in the real world!
7. Lastly, animes interpret realistic concepts in an unrealistic way
Such as the ishvalan war extermination. Most of the soldiers felt immediate remorse for slaughtering the innocent because of an order from the higher ups. Their deaths went into the creation of the philosophers stone. Though the philosophers stone doesn't exist in reality, war certainly does.