Spring Break is the most important element to any college bucket list! However, a spring break trip can be so much more than just a few days of partying on the beach. This spring break, make a promise to let yourself explore and see everything that the world has in store.
1. You will experience something new.
That "something new" may be an experience that changes your life. From traveling upstate for a few weeks to going somewhere warm, it will most likely be a new experience.
2. You will meet new friends.
When traveling, be open to meeting new people. Often they have different views, life experiences, and paths that challenge your own. This is a good thing.
3. You will bond with old friends.
If you take a trip with friends from school, you will most likely become closer than ever before. When people leave school, a bond is formed through joint experience and a lack of social expectations.
4. You will have some great stories to tell.
From long nights to exploring a hidden path, you are bound to amass a collection of fantastic stories to tell. Life is short so the best way to live it is fully.
5. You will have some amazing and terrible pictures.
Yes, some of those pictures will look great on Instagram. No, that one from the beach at 4am after a few Margaritas is not one of them. However, all of them are a reminder of that life changing experience.
6. You will figure out the places you love and the places you hate.
You may fall in love where you visit... or you may hate it. Either way you will have developed a preference and taste that will alter and shape your life.
7. You will grow as a person.
Creating new memories, meeting new people, and having new experiences will result in a better you. You shouldn't travel because you are young. You should travel because it keeps the soul young and growing.