The school year has finally started again, and I had forgotten how hard it truly was to pry myself from my bed and walk to class. Class is just so far away, and sometimes, there are just so many reasons to not go.
1. It’s too hot.
When it is blazing hot outside, there is no doubt that the brutal walk to class will result in me sweating profusely. By the time I get to class, I’m so gross and probably smell disgusting, so my shower that morning was useless. There’s no way I can even attempt to make friends if I show up all disheveled anyways, so might as well just skip out today. Go to class or die of a heat stroke?
2. It’s too cold.
My bed is so warm and inviting, and the outdoors is so harsh and cold. This one is almost a no-brainer. It’s freezing right when I get outside, but by the time I get to class, I’ll be sweaty and hot in my jacket regardless. There is no winning with this one.
3. It’s raining.
Sure, it never really rains, but when it does, I’m definitely not prepared. My rain jacket doesn’t cover my backpack, which carries all my valuable school supplies, so even if I’m dry, all my stuff isn’t. Also, I do not own rain boots, so any pair of shoes I wear will not be sufficient to the soaking wet ground, and I show up to class looking like a miserable wet dog. I might as well just save myself from the mental and physical strain that walking to class in the rain may cause.
4. I woke up a whole 10 minutes late.
Yes, I can still make it to class on time if I power walk, but now, my whole morning routine is thrown off. I have to brush my teeth extra fast, skip out on the hair straightener, go without makeup, and grab a quick breakfast due to my lack of ten minutes. This as a whole is just way too much effort, so I might as well just give up now and try again tomorrow morning.
5. The teacher posts the notes online.
The class is BruinCasted and the notes are online, so, I mean, I don’t technically have to be there to take notes. I won’t be paying attention anyways, but I promise I’ll look at the notes online later! *never looks at notes later*
6. I have no clean laundry.
I don’t have any clothes to wear and I can’t show up naked, so I don’t really have a choice but to not go to class.
7. I have homework for another class I need to do.
This is a classic college move--skipping one class to do homework for another class. Whether I’m actually productive in the extra hour I gain by skipping class is debatable, but that is beside the point.
Class can get tedious and boring, and there are just so many reasons to not go some days, but it takes just as much effort to come up with a valid reason not to go as it does to get your lazy self up and walk to class.