Slam poetry is a common art form in today's society that I feel doesn't get enough credit. If you've never heard of this before or just haven't fallen in love with it quite yet, here are some reasons why you should love slam poetry in all its awesomeness.
1. The writing.
Someone actually writes this before they perform it, and every slam poem I have ever heard has been beautiful solely because of the writing, not the performance itself.
2. The story.
Poems aren't just pretty sounding words that are clumped together. Poems are stories, they mean a lot to the writer, and they're standing before you, sharing it with you. This shit is important.
3. Honesty.
All slam poems are honest experiences and feelings from the writer. This is why they're so impactful.
4. They make you feel.
If you sit yourself down and watch some slam poetry on Youtube, there's a huge chance you'll get chills or goosebumps and there's a huge chance you might cry. Just warning you.
5. Relatable.
If you simply scroll through the titles of some slam poems, you can tell there are a variety of topics. There's no doubt you'll find something you can relate to.
6. Fun to watch.
Some slam poetry performances are so fun to watch. For example, "Lost Voices" by Darius Simpson and Scout Bostley is so interesting because it's performed as if they've switched voices. The dynamic is incredible and there are many poems that are done in unconventional ways.
7. Fun to perform.
...OK maybe I wouldn't know if this were true, but from the way it looks, the people seem to be enjoying themselves. Obviously, they wouldn't be doing it if they didn't find some enjoyment in it. The energy that comes off of them just makes slam poetry so much better.