I started lifting in high-school during my junior year. Those two years of weight training I learned a lot about technique and just how to work out in general. I also didn't take those two years very seriously I would say "I can eat this treat because I worked out today" and I also wasn't giving my all to any workouts because it was for a "grade". I then proceeded to not lift at all the next couple months into college and I noticed a significant change to my health.
Starting the new year off I decided to commit myself to lifting I wasn't happy with the way I looked and felt emotionally/physically. Lifting started to give me a great outlet for my emotions and I started noticing significant changes to my physique/mental health.
For women, most of us think it may bulk us up so we tend to stick to cardio but I'm a small 5'3 female and can testify it did not. I started to become really toned/lean and gained an even bigger confidence because of it. As a student of health sciences, I understand just how important this is on a deeper level regarding our clinical health.
Here are the biggest reasons to lift and lift heavy:
1. Mental/Emotional Health benefit.
Something about going to the gym and "sweating it out" gives you an endorphin rush that triggers you to be awake and happy. This is also a great reason for me because when I was stressed I would just go to the gym and lift. Lifting is proven to show significant signs of decreasing stress levels among individuals.
2. More caloric burn and faster Metabolism.
Lifting has been shown that you will burn more calories than cardio workouts. You are putting your body under more stress causing the body as a whole to work hard resulting in larger caloric expenditure. According to a study in 2008 from the University of Boston, they stated that Type II muscles fibers increase your metabolic rate. Type II is the muscle fibers you are building during lifting.
3. More defined physique.
While burning more calories your also burning the right kind of fat. Lifting weights will help your body build bone mass(muscles) and decrease fat, which will make you more defined. Along with building up your muscles your also lowing the risk for osteoporosis. This kind of stress or stimuli is important for your body and bone health.
4. Increased energy levels.
Lifting will improve oxygen and tissue function which results in a better working cardiovascular system. According to a study done at the University of Georgia in 2008 many adults who were recorded exercising for 20 min at least three times a week reported an increase in energy levels. Eventually, you'll start to feel less tired and won't need that second or third cup of coffee.
5. Sleep Better.
Lifting also proves to help sleeping patterns, you'll find your self-sleeping deeper and waking up less in the middle of the night. With better sleep and energy you won't need any afternoon naps either. The better you sleep the better you are also repairing your muscles or tissues and encouraging cell growth.
5. Have an overall healthier body.
There are really so many benefits to your body from lifting. You look and feel healthier along with lowering the risk of many diseases such as diabetes, stroke, different cancers, and cardiovascular. While it boosts brain and heart function; along with many other things.
7. Gain confidence in yourself.
While lifting boost your mood and defines your body you'll find yourself gaining confidence. Being because of your sleeping better, feeling better physically, and mentally. You'll find yourself letting less negative thoughts creep in because you know you've been out there killing it!
Next time you go for a work out try a good lift session and I promise you won't regret it!