I know I shouldn't be saying this because I love my school! I really do! Brockport has given me so many experience and I would not be the same person I am today if I did not decide to come here. However, sometimes the people and living arrangements make being on a college campus not as enjoyable as I hoped it was going to be. Here are a couple reasons why!
1. People don't know how to walk.
This is incredibly irritating when I am walking by myself and I pass a group five people, that decide they have to walk next to each other and make ME move over! I am one person! Please move over to your side of the street and don't make me step in a puddle. Also, not to mention a lot of people walk extremely slow! Getting stuck behind them when you only have five minutes to get to class is so aggravating!
2. Bedroom sizes.
This year, I am in a suite style room. For those of you that do not know what the size of a suite style room, it is about the size of a rich persons bathroom, maybe not even that big. In order to fit anything in a room, I had to have my bed lofted. It sounded perfect at first, but the struggle of climbing onto my bed every night is becoming increasingly unbearable.
3. Doing laundry.
I hate doing laundry in the first place and then add on the fact that the washers are either always taken or broken when I need to do laundry. For me, just to be able to do my laundry, I need to find a really obscure time to do it. That is why, most of the time I let my laundry pile up instead of struggle to find time to do it.
4. Walking down the stairs during fire drills.
I live eleven floors up. . .that is eleven flights of stairs to walk down during a fire drill. This means that after I'm finished walking allllll the way down the stairs during a fire drill I can either wait twenty minutes for a crowded elevator ride, or walk allll the way back up eleven flights of stairs.
5. Six people have to share one bathroom.
When I need to pee, I need to pee! I hate when I get home and neeeeed to go, but I come home to someone in the shower! I understand you need to shower, but my bladder waits for no one.
6. The internet connection.
Whether I'm in the middle of a quiz and my laptop loses internet connection or I'm just watching Netflix and there is no internet connection to watch my shows with! Res Net here is obnoxious!
7. Campus construction
For those of you at Brockport, you understand the frustration of campus construction. With the campus being renovated, it feels like I am living at a construction site. I'm sure it will look great one day, but that day is not today. Today the campus is just annoying.