You’ve probably noticed the rising trend of your fellow peers eating less and less meat; maybe some of them have officially gone vegetarian or vegan. But is it actually a good idea to cut meat or animal products from your diet? Here are some alternative facts to prove why you shouldn’t be a vegetarian.
1. Vegetarians don’t get enough protein
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Meat is obviously the only way to get your protein. Sure, you could find protein in nuts, quinoa, lentils and beans, but meat is really the only place you should be getting your protein from.
2. Vegetarians only eat salad
They can’t eat cheeseburgers, or bacon, or chicken wings — really, all that leaves them is salad! They’re also all really health conscious, which means they can’t even eat non-meat comfort foods, like mac and cheese. If you ignore the plethora of vegetarian meal ideas all over Pinterest, there’s really nothing for them to eat.
3. It’s impossible for them to eat out
No restaurant actually wants to cater to a picky eater. Sure, there are some restaurants that have started including meatless options, making it easier for vegetarians to go out to eat, but it’s still basically impossible.
4. It’s more expensive to be a vegetarian
Some of the meat substitute options can be more expensive than buying actual meat. And there aren’t any articles like comparing the cost of meat-based meals vs meat-free meals, or “How to Make Being a Vegetarian Cheap.”5. Humans are just made to eat meat
While some scientists suggest ancient humans may have been raised on more plant based diets, there's nothing to actually prove this. Besides, how else do you explain our canine teeth? Huh?
6. Animals don’t even have feelings
Sure, there haven’t been any articles to prove that they don’t — but there’s also haven’t been any to prove that they do.7. It doesn’t even help the environment
It totally doesn’t cut down on carbon emissions, water usage, or fossil fuels if you cut meat out of your diet. You’re not saving the environment at all.
No, but seriously, there’s no reason not to be a vegetarian. Do your research, know the facts, and consider being more plant-based — even if it’s only for one meal a day!