Although I'm always excited to return to campus for another exciting year of college, I can never bring myself to start packing up all of my stuff until right before I'm supposed to leave. This year, I actually waited until the morning of the day I was headed off to school, which was probably one of the worst ideas I've had in a while. Here are a few reasons why you should never procrastinate packing for school.
1. You won't be able to find everything you were planning to bring.
When you're scrambling to get your stuff together, it's fairly likely that something will be missing, and you won't have time to search for it because you're running out of time to pack.
2. You're guaranteed to forget something.
With all the stress of packing at the last minute, there's something important that you're bound to forget. It could be something small, like toothpaste or toilet paper, but hopefully it's not your entire backpack with your laptop in it.
3. Your parents will be super mad at you.
If your family is helping you move in, they definitely don't have time to watch you struggle to get packed so that you can finally head out to school.
4. You'll have to sleep on the floor your first night because your bed isn't ready.
When it comes time for move-in day and you still haven't purchased a bed (or maybe just sheets), odds are you'll be spending your first night curled up in a sleeping bag on the floor.
5. You'll have to make several trips to Target because you didn't buy half the stuff you needed ahead of time.
And we all know that a trip to Target means spending way more money than you need to.
6. Your roommates will make fun of how much you're struggling to get your room together.
The people you're living with are way more prepared than you, and they can't help but laugh at everything you failed to bring.
7. You won't get to spend time with your hometown friends right before you leave.
The most important reason for packing ahead of time is so that you can savor your last few hours at home by spending them with the friends you won't see for a while. If you're too busy stressing about getting ready for school, you'll miss out on time spent with people you care about.