We have all seen the reports about car accidents and fatalities happening all over the country. We know someone who has been affected by it somehow. For some reason, people choose to ignore it. People are selfish; they think they can multitask and using their phone while driving and act as if nothing bad could ever happened to them. The craziest part about it, though, is that they are right. Here are seven reasons why you should use your phone while driving:
1. It is completely safe.
In the United States, roughly 1.6 million car accidents are caused by texting and driving per year. Teenagers seem to be the worst when it comes to using their phones while driving. In 2013, the leading cause of death for teenagers was texting and driving. 3,000 of them died because of distracted driving. Unfortunately, no one wants to listen to the statistics about it. If people do not know, then it must be okay and safe, right?
2. You do not care about the people around you.
Driving while using your phone puts the people around you in danger. Taking your eyes off the road for one second could make you drift into the next lane or you will not realize the person in front of you is slamming on their breaks because a deer just ran out in front of them. You may not even realize you drove through a crosswalk with people in it. Do not put others in danger because you cannot put your phone down for your own selfish reasons.
3. You do not care about yourself.
Not only are people who drive while using their phone inconsiderate of the people around them, they do not care about themselves enough to put the phone down. Again, anything can happen, especially when you are not paying attention. Have more respect for yourself and do not put yourself in danger.
4. The person you are talking to will die if you do not respond immediately.
Teenagers always need instant gratification. It is as if we do not know what patience is anymore. If someone does not text you or snapchat you back immediately, someone tends to get upset and thinks you are potentially ignoring them, which is not the case. If the person you are talking to really cares about you, they will understand. Do not let them be the one who carries the guilt of talking to you if you end up getting hurt or even killed because you were talking to them while driving.
5. You cannot wait to "Catch 'em all."
Ah, yes, Pokemon GO is fun to play and it is even more fun when you go different places to see all the different ones you can catch. While the game is fun and addicting to some, have a passenger with you to catch them for you while you are driving or you could just walk (which is the point of the game anyway, right?) You will not be able to catch any of them if you get into an accident.
6. The geo-filter is too cool not to share.
I love seeing the different geo-filters snapchat has as much as the next person, but not while you are in the drivers seat. Just because you cannot use one for each town you drive through does not mean it is the end of the world.
7. You only live once.
As important as your phone may seem, your life is more important than checking to see what your friends are doing on social media or seeing what they texted you. Be smart on the road and do not become another statistic.