There was a time when I wished I was taller. I did not own my shortness as I do today. Being short is not at all bad. There are so many perks to being short. As time goes by, we see what short people have to offer.
1. You can hide in the smallest places.![]()
When playing hide and seek or wanting to stay away from someone, in particular, shortness will definitely come in handy. No one will be able to find you unless you actually want to be found.
2. The tall people become our protectors.
Every short person needs a tall person. They are helpful when you can't reach a certain shelf, or if cannot see a far distance. We short people always have a tall person to rely on.
3. Our outgoing personality makes up for our stature size.
Sometimes other people take our shortness for granted. Don't worry we still have that fire inside of us just as anybody. Never take our height for granted; we can still give a good argument.
4. We can wear high heels and still be at a normal height.
We have the pleasure of being the right amount height, that heels will never make us over tower people. We are always in the middle. Heels just make our days better. For once we get those extra two inches that we wished we had.
5. We can get discounts since no one will guess our age.
Going to movies is one of the best things for a short person. Just give them that baby face with that height and your set to pay less for your ticket. We can constantly use our shortness to our advantage, just have to find the right movie.
6. We give the best hugs
It might as well scientifically proven, but short people give the best hugs. We are the perfect size to cuddle with and easy to wrap around. If you are every having a bad day just find yourself a short person to save the day