Today’s studies show that the majority of the world’s population read nothing more than tweets, Instagram captions, and Starbucks menus every day. Many people read no more than 2 books a year. Study skills have declined, and mental stamina is reduced to the 3 seconds it takes for a webpage to load. There are countless people who are not reaping the full benefits of reading regularly, such as mental stimulation, the expansion of knowledge, and prevention of mental disease.
There are countless benefits, but here a a few that stand out:
1. Mental Health
Remaining well read can prevent or slow the effects of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Because reading keeps the brain active and the mind engaged, it keeps mental capacity up and prevents the mind from losing power. As any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it healthy and strong.
2. Stress Release
Reading reduces stress. A well-written novel can transport its reader to another world to live a whole other life. A substantial article has the ability to distract its audience and wipe away tension and bring relaxation instead.
3. Expanded Knowledge
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
As Dr. Seuss said, the more knowledge one obtains, the better equipped one is for any challenge. Reading fills the mind with bits and pieces of information that soon build into new vocabularies and familiarity with otherwise unknown eras. New words seep into everyday vocabulary. A reader will find himself able to speak with confidence to associates of higher standing. Reading provides an aid to career also, as employees who are well-read, well-spoken, and knowledgeable tend to receive promotions more often than those who have smaller vocabularies and lack of knowledge in literature, science, and global events.
4. Memory and Emotions
When reading a book, the audience must remember multiple characters as well as their history, ambitions, personalities, and the fine distinctions between all of them. Also, the reader must be able to follow the plot of the story throughout the twists and turns woven through the novel. There seems to be quite a bit to remember. However, the brain is an amazing thing. As new information is introduced, the brain makes new pathways, called synapses, and strengthens existing ones, which assists in short-term memory as well as mood stabilization.
5. Critical Thinking
As the novel develops, the reader can determine a sense of conclusion before the end of the book with the skills of critical thinking. This helps the reader to critique the story as to whether the plot was well thought out, if the characters were well and fully developed, and if the story flowed or if it was choppy and inconclusive. This skill is useful when discussing with others who have read the same novel and sharing opinions, as the reader will be able to clearly and concisely present his opinion in a well thought out manner.
6. Calm and Focus
In a world where everything is “smart” and technology rules, attention span has been reduced to a minimum as each day is tweeted, texted, broadcasted, and posted. One person will divide a five-minute span of time between socializing, texting, and working. This attention deficiency has caused stress levels to rise dramatically as well as lower productivity. Reading draws the focus of the reader to one world where his mind is focused on every little detail. By reading fifteen to twenty minutes before performing a tedious task, the focus of the reader is surprisingly centered as well as his nerves being sufficiently calmed. By reading poetry about nature, such as a waterfall or a flowering meadow, a sense of tranquility shrouds the reader. While reading a mystery, adrenaline pumps through the reader, bringing energy and excitement. Reading self-improvement books has often assisted those who suffer from mood disorders and mild mental disabilities.
7. Entertainment
Finally, reading provides free entertainment. In a struggling economy, buying books seems pricey and unnecessary. Reading is seen as a luxury. However, the books that are available at every local library furnish civilians with an endless supply of titles for free, not to mention the millions of books available online and on e-readers for those without local libraries or unable to take themselves to their library.There are countless genres for every person and every mood. From romance novels to science fiction, religious texts to fashion magazines, biographies and classical literature, the ideal novel is hidden within the secrets of the hardback covers and paper shrouds. As exercise of the body renews the body, so exercise of the mind renews the soul. With low stress levels and a high vocabulary, readers will someday be the successors of this world.
Just as soon as they finish this next chapter.