Many of us can agree that pumpkin-spiced flavored foods can be a delicious way to celebrate autumn. After all, how else would we know that summer is drifting into fall if we don’t see Pumpkin Spice Lattes on the menus at Starbucks? By looking at the leaves change? Feeling the temperature cool? Of course not.
However, with all of the wonderful pumpkin spice foods out there, there are bound to be a few that miss the mark—these are those products.
1. Pumpkin Spice Hummus
Why in the world would anyone need (or want) to eat this flavor of hummus? I understand the savory flavors, but this might be a stretch for anyone who has taste buds. I mean...chickpeas and pumpkin spice?
2. Pumpkin Spice Kale Chips
Again, this is a savory food that doesn’t need a sweet version. Kale is its own fad food beast that doesn’t need to be tackled here, but add pumpkin spice on top of it, and there is some white girl in UGGs Instagramming her heart out about how these are a great post-yoga snack.
3. Pumpkin Pie Spice Peanut Butter
All I can say is how dare you? Peanut butter is the food of the gods, quite possibly in line with chocolate (but better together). What heathen could think that they could capitalize on this pumpkin-spice fad by defacing such a beautiful, delicious food? What did peanut butter ever do to you?
4. Pumpkin Spice Listerine Strips
In my experience, the purpose of Listerine was to get the taste of food out of your mouth and make it fresh and clean tasting and smelling. How does this product come remotely close to accomplishing that?
5. Pumpkin Spice Bud Light
At first, I was hoping that this was a joke. Thankfully, it was, along with a number of other made-up items such as tampons and Chipotle burritos.
6. Pumpkin Spice Chicken Sausage
Um...I’m just going to leave this here.
7. This Article
And finally, the fact that Adam K. Raymond could spend two weeks eating exclusively pumpkin spiced-flavored foods just goes to show that there might be more options than we need out there on the market.