So many people are fearful of pit bulls, all for the wrong reasons. Honestly, it fills me with rage to see people post things like this on Facebook. If you haven't seen the post, it is a picture posted by Alan Tobin, a politician from Ireland, who advocated for signs to be posted around his community indicating dogs who are "dangerous breeds." Among those 10 breeds posted are German Shepherds, Bull Mastiffs, and the American Pit Bull Terrier. In Tobin's post, he says, "It still amazes me that some people think these dogs are ideal family pets." Well, Alan, here's seven reasons why pit bulls are ideal family pets.
1. They're incredibly sweet.
As shown above, my sweet little pit loves to cuddle. She shows nothing but love for anyone or anything that walks through the door. She loves giving kisses and hugs. Not once have I seen my pitbull act in anger and do anything with hate.
2. They have patience.
My dog hates baths with a passion, but she'll sit there until it's over. You can bug her for hours and not once will she lash back, unless it's with a kiss. The only time she has zero patience is when she has a treat being presented to her; she needs it once she sees it.
3. They have so much energy.
This photo was taken after she decided to run around the living room literally 300 times. If I could include a video of her running through the house just to land on the couch and tumble over, I would. I swear, pit bulls never run out of energy. They could run around for hours and never get tired.
4. Although they're full of energy, they can be pretty lazy.
My sleepy pit refuses to get out of the bed in the mornings. If she has a moment in the day where she can cuddle up beside you and take a nap, she's all in.
5. They're protective.
Here's a picture of my girl with her beloved Elmo, in which she destroyed a few days later, but that's beside the point. While this Elmo was still around, it was her baby. No one could touch it. The same goes for her family. When someone unknown comes around, you better believe that she is going to bark like crazy until she knows they mean no harm.
6. They have a big personality.
She has such a huge personality. She's funny, sweet, loud and so very sassy.
7. They will love you unconditionally.
My pitbull has so much love for her family. We are her whole world, and she is ours.
Pitbulls are feared because of the negative attention that has been brought to them by people who have raised their pits for hateful reasons. The way you train your dog obviously reflects the way they act. Train them to be a fighter, they will be a fighter. If you train them to be a well behaved, they will be an ideal family pet. Pitbulls are incredible dogs and will be the perfect addition to any family.