1. They deserve it.
Individuals with Autism deserve the simple respect of understanding. If more people are aware of what Autism is, people are more likely to be accepting and understand why some individuals behave in a certain manner.
2. You cannot always tell someone has Autism.
Autism is not as obvious as Down Syndrome, for example. Many times I have witnessed my friends with Autism at restaurants and workers will look at them like they are strange for taking longer to order or not being able to make eye contact. Not everyone with Autism has these qualities, each is unique. However, with more spread of Autism Awareness it would eliminate the confusion.
3. A lot of people have Autism.
According to the autism-society.org, an estimated 1 in 68 individuals are on the Autism Spectrum. More than 3.5 million Americans are on the Autism Spectrum. Isn't that number high enough to deserve awareness?
4. Because people with Autism could add a lot of unique thinking in the workplace.
People with Autism have a unique way of thinking. With a new outlook on the world and various situations, they could be an asset to many places of work. There could be some adjustments made for them but overall they are just people who want jobs and to be independent.
5. Just because it does not make cute Instagram pictures does not mean it should be ignored.
Maybe I'm being slightly cynical; from my high school experience everyone wanted pictures with the individuals that had Down Syndrome because everyone on Instagram knows what Down Syndrome is and it gets a lot of likes. Down Syndrome is inherently cute and cuddly, right? Autism isn't cute and cuddly and to the Instagram world just looks like a normal picture, right? I love my friends with Down Syndrome but I feel as though my friends with Autism get less care because they don't make for, "Look at me I'm a good Samaritan!" pictures on social media. We need to cut that out.
6. Autism comes in many forms.
Autism could mean uncontrolled anxiety, fits, or unable to do much outside of their home. Autism could also mean graduating college and you wouldn't know unless they told you. Autism is such a huge spectrum that it deserves our attention. It deserves to be talked about and understood.
7. So I do not have to lose my mind.
Sorry my friend does not make eye contact always. Sorry they take an extra second to order. Sorry they do not understand what you're saying because they take a lot of things literally and your sarcasm did not make sense. Sorry sometimes they stumble on their words. I do quirky things all the time. I shouldn't have to apologize for their quirks because I certainly wouldn't apologize for mine.