College is hard, your living situation shouldn't be. Rooming with a complete stranger your first year in college has the possibility to be a great thing or the absolute worst. You never know what you could end up with, and some people like the risk and the chance of new friendships but you can never go wrong with doing the opposite. When you have the chance to live with your best friend, take it! Living with your best friend ensures a year full of unforgettable memories. Here are seven reasons why living with your best friend in college will be the best decision you ever make!
1. You make each other laugh
Constantly. You both share the same humor so laughing at the silliest things just come easy. Life is less stressful when you have someone who constantly cracks you up around, and believe me, there will be stressful times in college.
2. Reading each others minds
Best friends don't always have to vocally explain what is on there mind or what they are trying to get across. They just know. Either with a facial expression or a noise, you just know what your best friend is thinking. Life is just easier this way when you don't always have to explain what can only be obvious to your best friend.
3. Know each others moods
Every girl has their healthy dose of mood swings. Living with someone who understands what makes you tick and when you are just done for the day is a huge perk. In college, socializing for some (myself included) can just get exhausting at times. Your best friend knows when your ready to wind down and chill for the day, and frankly will probably do it with you.
4. Enjoy the same things
Having some of the same hobbies will create for a great year of adventure together! No matter what it is, having your best friend by your side to enjoy the things you love most with is a huge blessing.
5. Hold each other accountable
Oh, those midnight munchies can be hard but who better to hold you accountable than someone you love? She cares about you and wants what is best for you. It is a wonderful experience living with someone who brings you closer to God and your goals in life.
6. Make great study-buddies
Studying can be the struggle at times but not when you can take those five minute study breaks with your best friend at your side! No matter where you both choose to study, you both make it better by being in each others company.
7. You trust each other
In college, it can take awhile to find that close group of friends that you had in high school. You come across all different kinds and sorts of people and it is so nice to know that you have at least one person you can totally trust with anything. It is a challenging transition into college life and the adult world so having your consistent best friend to lean on makes the challenge a tad bit easier.