9 Reasons I'm Ready To Go Back To College | The Odyssey Online
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9 Reasons I'm Ready To Go Back To College

The time has come.

9 Reasons I'm Ready To Go Back To College

Summer is coming to end and most of us are gearing back up for move in day and the preparation of another school year. I recently heard someone say, "If you're not excited to go back to college then you choose the wrong one". They are so so right, because I'm ready to go back to my life at Butler.

1. Sports

At Butler, it's specifically basketball season. I am too ready to cheer on the Dawgs back at Hinkle with my best friends. To incoming freshmen, please go to sporting events. They are a great way to get out and show some pride but also to meet more people. You don't want college to pass by you and to not of taken advantage of some of the best memories.

2. Routine

I am more than ready to be back on a regular routine of school, clubs, my sorority, etc. I like having my days planned out and being able to have a more consistent sleep schedule.

3. Friends

I was told that you'll meet some of your best friends in college...boy, were they right. I love my college friends because they've seen me at both my absolute best and worst and still love me anyways. We've had the best times hanging out, clowning around, or even staying in and watching movies. I can't wait to be able to text a friend and meet up with them in just a few minutes. You just can't do that in the summer when you go back to different states.

4. Freedom

I love my parents. I love my family. I spend lots of time with them in the summer because they are my people. However, I am ready to be back on my own. Being at Butler has forced me to deal with my own problems, to grow up, and to celebrate my freedom by staying up late if I want to because I have the ability to.

5. Clothing Attire

I love college because it's people from the same generation as me so we all have a mutual understanding that some days you just need to throw your hair in a messy bun and wear a big t-shirt to class with Lulu or Nike shorts. I love the forgiveness others have when they see you with no makeup or bags under your eyes because you've spent too many long nights in the library. It's a special time in your life that you're not going to have ever again. And on the days you look nice, you're bound to get a compliment for pulling yourself together just for class.

6. Starbucks Intake

I miss college because I miss consuming an absurd amount of coffee on the daily. I miss it being acceptable to have coffee at 3 p.m. on a weekday, just because you need a pick me up. I love how at Butler it is a normal thing to go to Starbucks and most students consider it their lifeline. Me, too. Me, too.

7. Walking Everywhere

Maybe this is just a personal thing, but I feel as if I walk way more when I'm on campus during the school year then I do in the summer. I love being outside and walking to class. The beauty of Butler is how close all of the academic buildings are which means students flood campus walking all over. It makes me feel so much better to walk then to get in my car to drive to places.

8. Food

I can't wait for late night food runs with friends. I always miss the food around campus when I'm gone. Even if I'm a short drive away, nothing is the same as getting food or icecream with friends in the spur of a moment decision.

9. Community

During the summer, I sometimes miss the philanthropic opportunities that I have access to at Butler or even through my sorority. I love being in clubs that give back to the community.

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