Majoring in Political Science is no easy task. The major takes a lot of heat for being a social science.
Not only does the major take a lot of heat from the hard sciences, everyone looks at the Political Science major like this:
And if not like that, everyone assumes this :
But that's not true! Being a Political Science major, I will tell you that we actually are just as happy working for a for-profit or nonprofit organization as we are for the government or a legal firm. As Political Science majors, we offer you unique skills for your company!
1. We got Research DOWN!
Political Science majors are taught to doubt everything unless we researched it ourselves. This means we have spent a lot of time investigating and utilizing multiple research tools during our academic career. Want a market researched? Got it! Want to know information about a potential client? No problem! We will have a report of whatever you want with--of course--a personal analysis.
2. Have a Better Understanding of People’s Backgrounds
Through conferences, classes, debates, studies, and conversations we’ve come across quite a variety of backgrounds. All these things make us more aware of the backgrounds people come from, which leads to better communication and understanding within the workplace.
3. We make Excellent Managers/Leaders
The foundation of Political Science is studying different power dynamics--both micro and macro. We know under what circumstances people are able to thrive. And we apply that knowledge when working with company teams.
4. We will give it to you straight
We’re used to learning about the multitude of ways how the world is entering chaos. So bad news at work? Not a problem. We’ll give it to you how we see it with an explanation. But due to the die-hard optimistic side of us, we’ll most likely give you some possible approaches too.
5. Great in Meetings
Our classes involve discussion. Discussion often leads civil debate, especially around election season. During those discussions we develop a great skill to participate in meetings and not be phased by confrontation. Our comfortableness handling confrontation also ties into making us great managers.
Out of the Box Thinkers
Topics that are discussed in Political Science involve multiple components. Meaning there is never one good answer and we need to stretch our minds to answer them. So when you present us a problem, we’re going to come up with a few possible solutions or a combination of solutions that aren't normally thought of since we’re used to stretching our minds. Not to mention, we’ll bring more background information why we have the answers we have.