Traveling by yourself is fun, but sometimes you wish you had someone to experience all the awesome things with. Going on a trip with your best friend is one of the best things to do. Embarking on a journey with your best friends is one of the best things you can do for your relationship. Here are seven reasons why your best friend is the best travel buddy.
1. You’ll get to know your best friend better than you thought possible.
You probably think you already know everything about your best friend but there is always more to strengthen your friendship. Traveling together will allow the both of you to get closer than you ever though was possible. Your relationship with your best friend will deepen in way neither of you could have expected.
2. You guys will have stories to tell—and look back on—for years.
Travel stories are the best kind of stories to have and to tell. These stories will be things that you two reminisce about forever. And if you guys are ever separated, these stories become even more special to you guys. No one will ever be able to take away the special memories you made.
3. There is so much to talk about during the travel time to the destination.
There will never be a dull moment and story time will never end. It may seem like it’s going to take forever to get to the destination but traveling with your best friend makes it go by faster. There also may be random singing outbursts and it is guaranteed to be a fun journey.
4. There will never be a boring moment between the two of you.
There will never be moment of awkward silence. Since you’ve been best friends forever there are always stories to tell and retell. Songs will come on and you guys will break into a dancing frenzy. And you two can always kick it old school with a good old fashioned pillow fight!
5. You can talk in your own secret language with no words.
She’s giving you the eye, there must be an awkward situation brewing. You know what each little signal or eye look means. You get each other without even talking and it makes uncomfortable situations easy to get out of. If you are traveling with your parents too, the secret language comes in real handy.
6. You are much safer with them than on your own.
You can rest assured knowing that you won’t be doing anything alone. You will have someone to walk around with and be goofy with. Plus, your parents will trust you more to go places if you aren’t alone.
7. Best friends make everything better.
This is a no brainier. Everyone would agree that being with their best friend makes everything better. There is just something about being with the person that is exactly like you that is comforting. Your bond will be more unbreakable than every after traveling.