"Buffy The Vampire Slayer" first premiered as a television show on networks in 1997. It followed the release of the movie titled after the same name. The show ran for many years and grew a big, and loyal fan base. It tackled many important issues while staying true to its horror roots. It is arguably, in my opinion, the best show on television, and here is why.
1. It's 90's show, and who doesn't love the 90's?
2. Buffy is a strong character we can all look up to.
3. It was the first network to feature a lesbian relationship.
4. It showed that women don't need to stand behind a man to be strong.
5. It portrayed real-life demons and the struggles of growing up/fitting in.
6. Buffy destroys the idea of gender inequality in almost every scene.
7. Buffy shows that girls don't have to pick between being feminine and strong; they can be both.
"Buffy The Vampire Slayer" taught me many things about myself and although it is fiction, educated me on many issues that are still a problem. It single-handedly changed the way I view women and showed me they can be strong and beautiful. If you haven't watched it yet, what are you waiting for? Go on Netflix right now and binge the whole series!