You may feel like you have everything you need for your apartment as you pursued the craziness of move-in weekend and settled into your college routine...but I'm here to show you that you may have forgotten some really useful items that can only make your life easier as you pursue the next few crazy months of the semester. Here are 7 really random things that you will probably need to either bring or go out and buy for your college apartment and/or dorm:
1. Nail clippers
Having long nails is fun if you like to paint your nails or open packages. However, the fun ends when your nails start chipping and layering on themselves because you forgot to bring a nail clipper to keep them trim.
2. Band-Aids
They are absolutely essential for those random scratches you can get, when you are wearing your new cute sandals and they betray you by giving you blisters on your heels, and when you shave and accidentally nick yourself.
3. Stapler
Life gets difficult when you have to turn in a 10 page paper and you don't have a stapler to put it together.
4. Hand Sanitizer
Health before wealth or health is wealth? Either way, ensure that you're life and future mutual funds will be in good hands by using that hand sanitizer.
5. Headphones
It really sucks when you have to walk to class or calm yourself down before a test without headphones. Props to those who can.
6. Food
Although food is essential for survival, proper snacks and mini-meals always seem to be the last thing on the college student's plate.
7. A durable water bottle
Don't die of dehydration...just don't.