2016 is slowly but surely coming to an end. It’s that time of year again that everyone is done with life which is understandable. Life is HARD. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing/where you are in your life, everyone goes through stuff. Maybe you’ll find this beneficial, maybe you won’t. But here are some quotes to help you get through the last few months of 2016.
1. “Change your thoughts and you change your world” –Norman Vincent Peale
This quote is super important. Everyone has negative thoughts and a negative attitude at times, which is okay. But if you try to remember to think positively and look for the good in everything, everything will start to get better for you.
2. “If you can dream it, you can do it” –Walt Disney
Walt knows what he’s talking about. We all have dreams/goals. They may seem out of reach now, but you can make them a reality. Start by taking small steps, nothing happens overnight! As long as you’re working towards your dream/goal, that’s all that matters!
3. “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts” –Eleanor Roosevelt
We all have crappy days, sometimes multiple in a week. However, each new day is a brand new beginning. Forget yesterday and start over!
4. “Nothing worth having comes easy” –Theodore Roosevelt
Ain’t that the truth. If you want something in life, doesn’t matter what it is, you must work hard for it. I know it may be frustrating at times, but just focus on your end goal, hopefully that will motivate you to keep working hard until you achieve it!
5. “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” –Milton Berle
Unfortunately, things typically don’t get handed to us (would be nice though). However, instead of waiting around for an opportunity, try to create your own, easier said than done, but you can at least try. If you don’t know where to begin, find someone to help you. I promise you won’t regret it.
6. “There is nothing impossible to him who will try” –Alexander the Great’
It' s all about trying.
7. “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly” –Robert F. Kennedy
He’s got a point. As long as you’re trying, failing is okay. Everyone fails in life sometimes as nobody is perfect, as long as you keep trying after you fail, everything will work out and you’ll eventually achieve what you were going after.