1." If there is one piece of advice U can give you, it's this- when there is something you really want, fight for it, don't give up no matter how hopeless it seems. And when you've lost hope, ask yourself in 10 years from now, are you gunna wish you gave it just one more shot because the best things in life, they don't come free." Meredith Grey
2. "Life doesn't always introduce you to the people you want to meet. Sometimes life puts you in touch with the people you need to meet- to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to become."
3." So transform yourself first...Because you are young and have dreams and want to do something meaningful, that in itself, makes you our future and our hope. Keep expanding your horizon, decolonize your mind, and cross borders." - Yuri Kochiyama
4. "Whatever you do, do it well. Do it well that when people see you do it, they want to come back and see you do it again." -Walt Disney
5."Somethings are going to work out as if they were destined to happen, as if they were just meant to be." -Meredith Grey
6."Sometimes we have to see for ourselves.We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons." -GA
7. "The pain you have been feeling cannot compare to the joy that is coming." Romans 8:18