You have every opportunity that comes your way to be happy with yourself.
Here are some quotes to help you get started...You are the only person that can truly make you happy, so what are you waiting for?
You may now have to tell everyone what’s going on inside your head, but you can’t always live in the past. Life doesn’t wait for you; it might be time to move on. There may be better things out there waiting for you.
Do not waste your time making everyone around you happy. It’s time for you to live for yourself, disregard what everyone else thinks. You are the most important thing in your life right now, and you should live every day with a smile on your face because you are you and no one can change that.
Who said that you aren’t a priority? You aren’t being selfish if you are treating yourself, it’s how way life works. You have to make yourself happy before you can make anyone else happy.
Think to yourself ten things that make you happy, write them down, and go make them happen. If you like photography because you can see things from a different perspective, go take a picture. If sitting in a coffee shop with a book in hand makes you happy, go do it. If being in Europe makes you happy, why haven’t you moved to Europe by now? Treat yourself. You deserve happiness.
There’s a reason you were brought into this world, I know there is. There is a reason we were all brought into this world. You don’t have to explain to me what makes you happy, all you have to know are the things that create your happiness. You live your own life and I live my own life. What sort of things can you change about your life so you live a happier one? Don’t let yourself down, you are special in every sort of way.
If you want to be happy, do not compare yourself to others. No two people are alike. Do not feel sorry for yourself even if you feel like a failure. Do not hide from change in your life, maybe the change will make you feel happier and stronger. Do not ever try to please everyone because it can’t happen. There’s nothing you can do to please every single person, no matter how hard you try.
It’s time to take your life into your own hands, don’t wait for life to get better for you. Every single person lives a different life and every person knows their own happiness. What’s yours?