If you're anything like me, finding the motivation to work out is hard. Working and attending school full time makes life busy, and trying to get my butt off the couch to do any kind of physical exercise can be hard. When I finally have a moment to sit and not do homework or clean or cook or do laundry or work, I'm tired and exercising does not sound fun. At all. And waking up early in the morning? Forget it. But when I don't work out, I can feel the difference, not only physically, but mentally. I have less energy throughout the day, I'm sluggish, my legs cramp, my posture becomes worse, my mind doesn't work at it's full capacity, and trying to think critically while doing homework becomes a challenge. I've become more aware of how important it is to exercise. Not to look skinny or for vain reasons (although, those reasons are there) but to be healthy. Below are some key thoughts to help motivate myself to get up and get moving.
1. Bodies were made to move
First, our bodies were made to move. They've been conditioned and created to move and work and to be healthy. They are not mean to be stagnant and still. Our bodies shut down if we do not move and do not work our muscles.
2. The less you work out, the less healthy you are
When I think about my life down the road, I wonder what quality of life I'll have. One major motivation for me to work out, even if it's just a walk, is what my body will be like when I'm older. I want to start healthy habits now so it'll be easier when I'm older. It's a known fact our bodies slow down and gain weight faster the older we get. I want to be as healthy as possible when I reach 70 to live the best life possible.
3. Feeling sluggish is borish
When I'm not working out at least a few days a week, my body feels sluggish, my brain function lowers, and my energy levels are depleted. I might not be happy while working out, but afterwards? I might not be bursting with joy, but there is a quiet, sublte, but strong happiness that comes from exercising.
4. Pick the right workouts
One of the best ways to stay motivated and on track while working on fitness goals is to pick the right workouts. If you pick a workout you can't finish and is too hard, the likely hood of you trying again the next day is low. You start to feel down and think "Why would I do that again? I royally sucked at that workout". Do not be discouraged or afraid to start out small. The point is to be healthy and being healthy means to pick workouts that work you and only for you. The same applies if a workout is too easy as well. Move at your own pace and keep it up!
5. Count daily and weekly successes
Always recognize the small successes of working out. If your goal is to loose 30 pounds, stop beating yourself up if it's not happening as quickly as you want. Instead, take every success. If you've lost 2 pounds, celebrate. If you exercised three days out of the week instead of two, good job! If you made it through your workout without pausing, that's amazing! Take the small successes and hold them close because it's too easy to give up and become discouraged over the perceived lack of progress.
6. Plan out your workout the day before
I promise, if you plan out what fitness routine you will do the next day, you're chances of actually doing it are higher. Plan out your clothes too.
7. No excuses
It's so easy to make excuses, I swear I'm the master at them, but stop making them. If you want to be healthy, start moving and drinking water and eating right and start doing the things that will get you there. Stop waiting for someone else to make the decision for you and do it yourself.
Now, get your workout clothes on, grab your tennis shoes, and move!